Tuesday, April 28, 2020




This material is useful for all the commerce/finance students who have completed their graduation/post graduation and want to pursue their career in the field of accounts and finance.There is lot of difference between written examination and oral interview, it is a big challenge to the students those who just passed out  with academic knowledge to face technical rounds in interviews.

This point triggered me to prepare this material for the sake of jobseekers in accounting & finance field. My sincere thanks to my previous employer S&P Global,MNC where I started my career and gained knowledge and great exposure in accounting & finance.Also thanks to my spouce Mr.Siddaiah for all his support and guidance throughout the preparation of this material.

Thanks and Regards,
D.Haleema Begum M.Com.,

Meaning of Accounting: According to American Accounting Association Accounting is “the process of identifying, measuring and communicating information to permit judgment and decisions by the users of accounts”.

Users of Accounts: Generally 2 types. 1. Internal management.
2. External users or Outsiders- Investors, Employees, Lenders, Customers, Government and other agencies, Public.

Sub-fields of Accounting:

Book-keeping: It covers procedural aspects of accounting work and embraces record keeping function.
Financial accounting: It covers the preparation and interpretation of financial statements.

Management accounting: It covers the generation of accounting information for management decisions.
Social responsibility accounting: It covers the accounting of social costs incurred by the enterprise.

Fundamental Accounting equation: 9
Assets = Capital+ Liabilities.
Capital = Assets - Liabilities.

Accounting elements: The elements directly related to the measurement of financial position i.e., for the preparation of balance sheet are Assets, Liabilities and Equity. The elements directly related to the measurements of performance in the profit & loss account are income and expenses.

Four phases of accounting process:
Journalisation of transactions
Ledger positioning and balancing
Preparation of trail balance
Preparation of final accounts

Book keeping: It is an activity, related to the recording of financial data, relating to business operations in an orderly manner. The main purpose of accounting for business is to as certain profit or loss for the accounting period.

Accounting: It is an activity of analasis and interpretation of the book-keeping records.
Cash Accounting System: Only cash transactions are recorded if the system is followed.

Mercantile Accounting System: Both cash transactions and credit transactions are recorded in this system. If cash transactions are incurred first they are recorded first. If credit transactions are incurred first they are recorded first. In simple to say what ever is incurred first will be recorded first.

Discount: Discounts are two types. These are i) Trade Discount and ii) Cash Discount

Trade Discount: It is deducted from list price or catalogue price or tag. It is generally allowed by whole seller to retailer. Trade Discounts are not recorded in books.
Ex: Tag Price = Rs. 100

Trade Discount = Rs. 10
Rs. 90 This amount is recorded in the books.
Purchase A/c Dr 90
To Cash A/c 90

Cash Discount: This discount is given to debtors to make them pay debts as early as possible.
Ex: Immediately - 5%, within 15 days – 4%, within one month – 2% etc. Cash discount is given for early or prompt payment. Cash discounts are recorded in books.
Purchase A/c Dr 100
To Cash             90
To Discount        10

Journal: Recording each transaction of the business.

Ledger: It is a book where similar transactions relating to a person or thing are recorded.
Types: Debtors ledger
Creditor’s ledger
General ledger

Concepts: Concepts are necessary assumptions and conditions upon which accounting is based.

Business entity concept: In accounting, business is treated as separate entity from its owners.While recording the transactions in books, it should be noted that business and owners are separate entities.In the transactions of business, personal transactions of the owners should not be mixed.
For example: - Insurance premium of the owner etc...

Going concern concept: Accounts are recorded and assumed that the business will continue for a long time. It is useful for assessment of goodwill.
Consistency concept: It means that same accounting policies are followed from one period to another.

Accrual concept: It means that financial statements are prepared on merchantile system only.
Types of Accounts: Basically accounts are three types,

Personal account: Accounts which show transactions with persons are called personal account. It includes accounts in the name of persons, firms, companies.
In this: Debit the reciver
Credit the giver.
For example: - Naresh a/c, Naresh & co a/c etc…

Real account: Accounts relating to assets is known as real accounts. A separate account is maintained for each asset owned by the business.
In this: Debit what comes in
Credit what goes out
For example: - Cash a/c, Machinary a/c etc…

Nominal account: Accounts relating to expenses, losses, incomes and gains are known as nominal account.
In this: Debit expenses and loses
Credit incomes and gains
For example: - Wages a/c, Salaries a/c, commission recived a/c, etc.

Accounting conventions: The term convention denotes customs or traditions which guide the accountant while preparing the accounting statements.

Convention of consistency: Accounting rules, practices should not change from one year to another.
For example: - If Depreciation on fixed assets is provided on straight line method. It should be done year after year.

Convention of Full disclosure: All accounting statements should be honestly prepared and full disclosure of all important information should be made. All information which is important to assets, creditors, investors should be disclosued in account statements.

Trail Balance: A trail balance is a list of all the balances standing on the ledger accounts and cash book of a concern at any given date.The purpose of the trail balance is to establish accuracy of the books of accounts.

Trading a/c: The first step of the preparation of final account is the preparation of trading account. It is prepared to know the gross margin or trading results of the business.
Profit or loss a/c: It is prepared to know the net profit. The expenditure recording in this a/c is indirect nature.

Balance sheet: It is a statement prepared with a view to measure the exact financial position of the firm or business on a fixed date.

Outstanding Expenses: These expenses are related to the current year but they are not yet paid before the last date of the financial year. Expenditure incurred but the payment for which is not yet paid and will be shown in the balance sheet liabilities side, debited to profit and loss account

Prepaid Expenses: There are several items of expenses which are paid in advance in the normal course of business operations. Prepaid expenses are to be deducted from such expenses in the debit side of profit and loss account. Shown as an asset in the assets side of Balance Sheet. The amount paid for the expenditure relating to the future years.

Income and expenditure a/c: In this only the current period incomes and expenditures are taken into consideration while preparing this a/c.

Royalty: It is a periodical payment based on the output or sales for use of a certain asset.
For example: - Mines, Copyrights, Patent.

Hire purchase: It is an agreement between two parties. The buyer acquires possession of the goods immediately and agrees to pay the total hire purchase price in instalments.
Hire purchase price = Cash price + Interest.

Lease: A contractual arrangement whereby the lessor grants the lessee the right to use an asset in return for periodic lease rental payments.

Double entry: Every transaction consists of two aspects
1. The receving aspect
2. The giving aspect
The recording of two aspect effort of each transaction is called ‘double entry’.
The principle of double entry is, for every debit there must be an equal and a corresponding credit and vice versa.

BRS: When the cash book and the passbook are compared, some times we found that the balances are not matching. BRS is preparaed to reconcile these differences.
Cash: The purchasing power in hand is called cash.

Cash Expenses: Cash is paid for expenses incurred. Ex: Salaries, Wages paid etc.

Non-cash Expenses: it is expenditure, there is no cash involvement.
Expenses are incurred but – cash is not paid (that is cash is not going out of the business)
Ex: depreciation writing off, goodwill, patents, writing off preliminary expenses, discount on issue of shares and debentures, loss on revaluation of assets and liabilities etc., in this cases income is reduced since tax saving is effected.
Preliminary expenditure: is expenditure incurred for setting or undertaking.
Ex: i) for drafting legal documents (MOA and AOA) – Legal Documents
ii) Fees for registration of the company
iii) Underwriting Commission
iv) Brokerage and Charges for drafting, printing, typing and advertising the prospectus.

Deferred Revenue Expenses: The benefit of the expenditure will be differing to the future periods for which the expenditure is charges. Differed revenue expenditure is known as asset in balance sheet.
Ex: Preliminary expenses, Advertisement expenses

Deferred Revenue Income: which is income differed to the future periods. That means it is not related to one period but related to more than one period.
Ex: Pension Fund Scheme

Amalgamation: Involves merger of two existing companies or a company takeover the company.

Absorption: A company takes over another company. Amalgamation includes absorption. When a company purchases the business of another existing company that is called absorbtion.

Mergers: A merger refers to a combination of two or more companies into one company.

Reconstruction: It means reorganization of company’s financial structure.

Capital Transactions: The transactions which provide benefits to the business unit for more than one year is known as “capital Transactions”.

Revenue Transactions: The transactions which provide benefits to a business unit for one accounting period only are known as “Revenue Transactions”.

Deffered Revenue Expenditure:  The expenditure which is of revenue nature but its benefit will be for a very long period is called deffered revenue expenditure.
Ex: Advertisement expences
A part of such expenditure is shown in P&L a/c and remaining amount is shown on the assests side of B/S.

Capital Receipts: The receipts which rise not from the regular course of business are called “Capital receipts”.

Revenue Receipts: Amount receives on revenue items. All recurring incomes which a business earns during normal cource of its activities. Amount received by sale of goods or services show the trading and profit and loss account credit side
Ex: Sale of good, Discount Received, Commission Received.

Reserve Capital: Reserve Capital is called up only at the time of liquidation if assets held are not sufficient to meet the liabilities.b It refers to that portion of uncalled share capital which shall not be able to call up except for the purpose of company being wound up.
Fixed Assets: Fixed assets, also called noncurrent assets, are assets that are expected to produce benefits for more than one year. These assets may be tangible or intangible.
Tangible fixed assets include items such as land, buildings, plant, machinery, etc… Intangible fixed assets include items such as patents, copyrights, trademarks, and goodwill.

Current Assets: Assets which normally get converted into cash during the operating cycle of the firm. Ex: Cash, inventory, receivables.

Liquid Assets: These assets also known as circulating, fluctuating, or current assets. These assets can be converted in to cash as early as possible.

Fictitious assets: Fictitious assets are those assets, which do not have physical form. They do not have any real value.They are not represented by anything tangible or concrete.
Ex: Goodwill, deffered revenue expenditure, etc…

Contingent Assets: It is an existence whose value, ownership and existence will depend on occurance or non-occurance of specific act.

Fixed Liabilities: These are those liabilities which are payable only on the termination of the business such as capital which is liability to the owner.

Longterm Liabilities: These liabilities which are not payable with in the next accounting period but will be payable with in next 5 to 10 years are called longterm liabilities. Ex: Debentures.

Current Liabilities: These liabilities which are payable out of current assets with in the accounting period. Ex: Creditors, bills payable, etc…

Contingent Liabilities: A contingent liability is one, which is not an actual liability but which will become an actual one on the happening of some event which is uncertain. These are staded on balance sheet by way of a note.
Ex: Claims against company, Liability of a case pending in the court.

Bad Debts: Some of the debtors do not pay their debts. Such debt if unrecoverable is called bad debt. Bad debt is a business expense and it is debited to P&L account.
Capital Gains/losses: Gains/losses arising from the sale of assets.

Fixed Cost: These are the costs which remains constant at all levels of production. They do not tend to increase or decrease with the changes in volume of production.

Variable Cost: These costs tend to vary with the volume of output. Any increase in the volume of production results in an increase in the variable cost and vice-versa.

Semi-Variable Cost: These costs are partly fixed and partly variable in relation to output.

Replacement Cost: It is the cost of replacing an existing employee.

Opportunity Cost: The actual or assumed rate for capitalization of the differential earnings expected to be earned by an employee.

Sunk Cost
A cost that has been incurred and cannot be reversed. Also referred to as "stranded cost."

A worn-out piece of equipment bought several years ago is a sunk cost because the cost of buying it cannot be reversed.

Irrelevant Cost

A managerial accounting term that represents a cost, either positive or negative, that does not relate to a situation requiring management's decision.
As with relevant costs, irrelevant costs may be irrelevant for some situations but relevant for others. Examples of irrelevant costs are fixed overheads, notional costs, sunk costs and book values.

Relevant Cost

A managerial accounting term that is used to describe costs that are specific to management's decisions. The concept of relevant costs eliminates unnecessary data that could complicate the decision-making process.

Relevant costs are decision specific, meaning that a relevant cost may be important in one situation but irrelevant in another. Examples of when management uses relevant costs can be seen when it is determining whether to sell or keep a business unit, make or buy an item, or accept a special order.

Absorption Costing: It is the practice of charging all costs, both variable and fixed to operations, processess or products. This differs from marginal costing where fixed costs are excluded.

Operating Costing: It is used in the case of concerns rendering services like transport. Ex: Supply of water, retail trade, etc...

Costing: Cost accounting is the recording classifying the expenditure for the determination of the costs of products.For thepurpuses of control of the costs.

Rectification of Errors: Errors that occur while preparing accounting statements are rectified by replacing it by the correct one.
Errors like: Errors of posting, Errors of accounting etc…

Variance Analasys: The deviations between standard costs, profits or sales and actual costs. Profits or sales are known as variances.

Types of variances
1: Material Variances
2: Labour Variances
3: Cost Variances
4: Sales or ProfitVariances

General Reserves: These reserves which are not created for any specific purpose and are available for any future contingency or expansion of the business. General Reserve is a Reserve which is created to meet any future unknown liability. It can be utilized as dividend.

SpecificReserves: These reserves which are created for a specific purpose and can be utilized only for that purpose.
Ex: Dividend Equilisation Reserve
Debenture Redemption Reserve

Provisions: There are many risks and uncertainities in business. In order to protect from risks and uncertainities, it is necessary to provisions and reserves in every business.

Reserve: Reserves are amounts appropriated out of profits which are not intended to meet any liability, contingency, commitment in the value of assets known to exist at the date of the B/S.
Creation of the reserve is to increase the workingcapital in the business and strengthen its financial position. Some times it is invested to purchase out side securities then it is called reserve fund.


1: Capital Reserve: Profits in the nature of capital or a profit in the form of capital nature.Capital reserve is the amount received on capital items .It is created out of capital profits like premium on the issue of shares, profits and sale of assets, etc…This reserve is not available to distribute as dividend among shareholders. Ex: Share Premium, Share Forfeiture.

2: Revenue Reserve:  Any Reserve which is available for distribution as dividend to the shareholders is called Revenue Reserve.

Capital Profits: Capital profits are profits realized on sale of fixed assets or on discount of investments. They may be distributed by way of dividend.

Revenue Profits: Revenue profits are the profits earned by the company through its ordinary activities

Provisions V/S Reserves:
Provisions are created for some specific object and it must be utilised for that object for which it is created.
Reserve is created for any future liability or loss.
Provision is made because of legal necessity but creating a Reserve is a matter of financial strength.
Provision must be charged to profit and loss a/c before calculating the net profit or loss but Reserve can be made only when there is profit.
Provisions reduce the net profit and are not invested in outside securities Reserve amount can invested in outside securities.

Goodwill: It is the value of reputation of a firm in respect of the profits expected in future over and above the normal profits earned by other similar firms belonging to the same industry.

Factors affecting goodwill: Profitability of Business, Brand Equity, Product of Service Quality, Customer Acceptance, Business Location and Access etc.
Average profits method
Super profits method
Capitalisatioin method

Average Method: In this method which takes into account the average profits for the past few years and the value of goodwill is calculating as some years purchase of this amount.

Super Profit Method: The excess of actual profits over the normal profit is known as super profit. A business unit may posses some advantages which enable it to earn extra profits over and above the amount that would be normally earned, if the same capital is employed elsewhere in a business of same risk class.

Annuity Method: Under this method goodwill is calculated by taking the average super profit as the value of an annuity over a certain number of years. An annuity is a series of equal periodic payments occurring at equal intervals of time. In other words goodwill is calculated by finding the present value of an annuity discounted at a given rate of interest which is usually the normal rate of return.

Depreciation: It is a perminant continuing and gradual shrinkage in the book value of a fixed asset.


1. Fixed Instalment method or Stright line method
Dep. = Cost price – Scrap value/Estimated life of asset.

2. Diminishing Balance method: Under this metod, depreciation is calculated at a certain percentage each year on the balance of the asset, which is bought forward from the previous year.

3. Annuity method: Under this method amount spent on the purchase of an asset is regarded as an investment which is assumed to earn interest at a certain rate. Every year the asset a/c is debited with the amount of interest and credited with the amount of depreciation.

EOQ: The quantity of material to be ordered at one time is known EOQ. It is fixed where minimum cost of ordering and carryiny stock.
Key Factor: The factor which sets a limit to the activity is known as key factor which influence budgets.
Key Factor = Contribution/Profitability
Profitability =Contribution/Key Factor

Sinking Fund: It is created to have ready money after a particular period either for the replacement of an asset or for the repayment of a liability. Every year some amount is charged from the P&L a/c and is invested in outside securities with the idea, that at the end of the stipulated period, money will be equal to the amount of an asset.

Revaluation Account: It records the effect of revaluation of assets and liabilities. It is prepared to determine the net profit or loss on revaluation. It is prepared at the time of reconsititution of partnership or retirement or death of partner.

Realisation Account: It records the realisation of various assets and payments of various liabilities. It is prepared to determine the net P&L on realisation.

Leverage: - It arises from the presence of fixed cost in a firm capitalstructure.
Generally leverage refers to a relationship between two interrelated variables.
These leverages are classified into three types.
Operating leverage
Financial Leverage.
Combined leverage or total leverage.

Operating Leverage: It arises from fixed operating costs (fixed costs other than the financing costs) such as depreciation, shares, advertising expenditures and property taxes.

When a firm has fixed operatingcosts, a change in 1% in sales results in a change of more than 1% in EBIT
%change in EBIT
% change in sales
The operaying leverage at any level of sales is called degree.
Degree of operatingLeverage= Contribution/EBIT

Significance: It tells the impact of changes in sales on operating income.
If operating leverage is high it automatically means that the break- even point would also be reached at a highlevel of sales.

Financial Leverage:  It arises from the use of fixed financing costs such as interest. When a firm has fixed cost financing. A change in 1% in E.B.I.T results in a change of more than 1% in earnings per share.
F.L =% change in EPS / % change in EBIT
Degree of Financial leverage= EBIT/ Profit before Tax (EBT)
Significance: It is double edged sword. A high F.L means high fixed financial costs and high financial risks.

Combined Leverage: It is useful for to know about the overall risk or total risk of the firm. i.e, operating risk as well as financial risk.
C.L= O.L*F.L
= %Change in EPS / % Change in Sales
Degree of C.L =Contribution / EBT
A high O.L and a high F.L combination is very risky. A high O.L and a low F.L indiacate that the management is careful since the higher amount of risk involved in high operating leverage has been sought to be balanced by low F.L
A more preferable situation would be to have a low O.L and a F.L.

Working Capital: There are two types of working capital: gross working capital and net working capital. Gross working capital is the total of current assets. Net working capital is the difference between the total of current assets and the total of current liabilities.

Working Capital Cycle:
It refers to the length of time between the firms paying cash for materials, etc.., entering into the production process/ stock and the inflow of cash from debtors (sales)

Cash             Raw meterials WIP    Stock
Labour overhead

Capital Budgeting: Process of analyzing, appraising, and selection of investment on long term projects whose returns are expected to extend beyond one year is known as capital budgeting.

Methods of Capital Budgeting:
Traditional Methods
Payback period method
Average rate of return (ARR)
Discounted Cash Flow Methods or Sophisticated methods
Net present value (NPV)
Internal rate of return (IRR)
Profitability index

Pay back period: Required time to reach actual investment is known as payback period.
= Investment / Cash flow
ARR: It means the average annual yield on the project.
= avg. income / avg. investment
= (Sum of income / no. of years) / (Total investment + Scrap value) / 2)

NPV: The best method for the evaluation of an investment proposal is the NPV or discounted cash flow technique. This metod takes into account the time value of money.
The sum of the present values of all the cash inflows less the sum of the present value of all the cash outflows associated with the proposal.
NPV = Sum of present value of future cash flows – Investment

IRR: It is that rate at which the sum total of cash inflows aftrer discounting equals to the discounted cash outflows. The internal rate of return of a project is the discount rate which makes net present value of the project equal to zero.
Profitability Index: One of the methods comparing such proposals is to workout what is known as the ‘Desirability Factor’ or ‘Profitability Index’.
In general terms a project is acceptable if its profitability index value is greater than 1.

Derivatives: A derivative is a security whose price ultimately depends on that of another asset.
Derivative means a contact of an agreement.

Types of Derivatives:
1. Forward Contracts
2. Futures
3. Options
4. Swaps.

1. Forward Contracts: - It is a private contract between two parties.
An agreement between two parties to exchange an asset for a price that is specified todays. These are settled at end of contract.

2. Future contracts: - It is an Agreement to buy or sell an asset it is at a certain time in the future for a certain price. Futures will be traded in exchanges only.These is settled daily.

Futures are four types:

a. Commodity Futures: Wheat, Soyo, Tea, Corn etc..,.

b. Financial Futures: Treasury bills, Debentures, Equity Shares, bonds, etc..,

c. Currency Futures: Major convertible Currencies like Dollars, Founds, Yens,                                    and Euros.

d. Index Futures: Underline assets are famous stock market indicies. NewYork Stock Exchange.

3. Options: An option gives its Owner the right to buy or sell an Underlying asset on or before a given date at a fixed price.
There can be as may different option contracts as the number of items to buy or sell they are,
Stock options, Commodity options, Foreign exchange options and interest rate options are traded on and off organized exchanges across the globe.
Options belong to a broader class of assets called Contingent claims.
The option to buy is a call option.The option to sell is a PutOption.
The option holder is the buyer of the option and the option writer is the seller of the option.
The fixed price at which the option holder can buy or sell the underlying asset is called the exercise price or Striking price.

A European option can be excercised only on the expiration date where as an American option can be excercised on or before the expiration date.
Options traded on an exchange are called exchange traded option and options not traded on an exchange are called over-the-counter optios.
When stock price (S1) <= Exercise price (E1) the call is said to be out of money and is worthless.
When S1>E1 the call is said to be in the money and its value is S1-E1.

4. Swaps:   Swaps are private agreements between two companies to exchange casflows in the future according to a prearranged formula.
So this can be regarded as portfolios of forward contracts.

Types of swaps:
1: Interest rate Swaps
2: Currency Swaps.

1. Interest rate Swaps:  The most common type of interest rate swap is ‘Plain Venilla ‘.
Normal life of swap is 2 to 15 Years.
It is a transaction involving an exchange of one stream of interest obligations for another. Typically, it results in an exchange of ficed rate interest payments for floating rate interest payments.

2. Currency Swaps: - Another type of Swap is known as Currency as Currency Swap. This involves exchanging principal amount and fixed rates interest payments on a loan in one currency for principal and fixed rate interest payments on an approximately equalant loan in another currency. Like interest rate swaps currency swars can be motivated by comparative advantage.

Warrants: Options generally have lives of upto one year. The majority of options traded on exchanges have maximum maturity of nine months. Longer dated options are called warrants and are generally traded over- the- counter.
American Depository Receipts (ADR): It is a dollar denominated negotiable instruments or certificate. It represents non-US companies publicly traded equity. It was devised into late 1920’s. To help American investors to invest in overseas securities and to assist non –US companies wishing to have their stock traded in the American markets. These are listed in American stock market or exchanges.

Global DepositoryReceipts (GDR): GDR’s are essentially those instruments which posseses the certain number of underline shares in the custodial domestic bank of the company i.e., GDR is a negotiable instrument in the form of depository receipt or certificate created by the overseas depository bank out side India and issued to non-resident investors against the issue of ordinary share or foreign currency convertible bonds of the issuing company. GDR’s are entitled to dividends and voting rights since the date of its issue.
Capital account and Current account: The capital account of international purchase or sale of assets. The assets include any form which wealth may be held. Money held as cash or in the form of bank deposits, shares, debentures, debt instruments, real estate, land, antiques, etc…
The current account records all income related flows. These flows could arise on account of trade in goods and services and transfer payment among countries. A net outflow after taking all entries in current account is a current account deficit. Govt. expenditure and tax revenues do not fall in the current account.

Dividend Yield: It gives the relationship between the current price of a stock and the dividend paid by its issuing company during the last 12 months. It is caliculated by aggregating past year’s dividend and dividing it by the current stock price.
Historically, a higher dividend yield has been considered to be desirable among investors. A high dividend yield is considered to be evidence that a stock is under priced, where as a low dividend yield is considered evidence that a stock is over priced.

Bridge Financing: It refers to loans taken by a company normally from commercial banks for a short period, pending disbursement of loans sanctioned by financial institutions. Generally, the rate of interest on bridge finance is higher as compared with term loans.

Shares and Mutual Funds

Company: Sec.3 (1) of the Companys act, 1956 defines a ‘company’.  Company means a company formed and registered under this Act or existing company”.
Public Company: A corporate body other than a private company. In the public company, there is no upperlimit on the number of share holders and no restriction on transfer of shares.

Private Company: A corporate entity in which limits the number of its members to 200. Does not invite public to subscribe to its capital and restricts the member’s right to transfer shares.

Liquidity:  A firm’s liquidity refers to its ability to meet its obligations in the short run.  An asset’s liquidity refers to how quickly it can he sold at a reasonable price.

Cost of Capital: The minimum rate of the firm must earn on its investments in order to satisfy the expectations of investors who provide the funds to the firm.
Capital Structure: The composition of a firm’s financing consisting of equity, preference, and debt.

Beta: Market Risk – Systematic Risk

Stand Demat: Industry Risk – Unsystematic Risk

Annual Report: The report issued annually by a company to its shareholders. It primarily contains financial statements. In addition, it represents the management’s view of the operations of the previous year and the prospects for future.
Proxy: The authorization given by one person to another to vote on his behalf in the shareholders meeting.

Joint Venture: It is a temporary partenership and comes to an end after the compleation of a particular venture. No limit in its.

Insolvency: In case a debtor is not in a position to pay his debts in full, a petition can be filled by the debtor himself or by any creditors to get the debtor declared as an insolvent.
Long Term Debt: The debt which is payable after one year is known as long term debt.
Short Term Debt: The debt which is payable with in one year is known as short term debt.

Amortisation: This term is used in two senses 1. Repayment of loan over a period of time 2.Write-off of an expenditure (like issue cost of shares) over a period of time.

Arbitrage: A simultaneous purchase and sale of security or currency in different markets to derive benefit from price differential.

Stock: The Stock of a company when fully paid they may be converted into stock.
Share Premium: Excess of issue price over the face value is called as share premium.

Equity Capital: It represents ownership capital, as equity shareholders collectively own the company. They enjoy the rewards and bear the risks of ownership. They will have the voting rights.

Authorized Capital: The amount of capital that a company can potentially issue, as per its memorandum, represents the authorized capital.

Issued Capital: The amount offered by the company to the investors.

Subscribed capital: The part of issued capital which has been subscribed to by the investors

Paid-up Capital: The actual amount paid up by the investors.
Typically the issued, subscribed, paid-up capitals are the same.

Par Value: The par value of an equity share is the value stated in the memorandum and written on the share scrip. The par value of equity share is generally Rs.10 or Rs.100.

Issued price:  It is the price at which the equity share is issued often, the issue price is higher than the Par Value

Book Value:   The book value of an equity share is
= Paid – up equity Capital + Reserve and Surplus / No. Of outstanding shares equity

Market Value (M.V): The Market Value of an equity share is the price at which it is traded in the market.

Preference Capital: It represents a hybrid form of financing it par takes some characteristics of equity and some attributes of debentures. It resembles equity in the following ways
Preference dividend is payable only out of distributable profits.
Preference dividend is not an obligatory payment.
Preference dividend is not a tax –deductible payment.

Preference capital is similar to debentures in several ways.
The dividend rate of Preference Capital is fixed.
Preference Capital is redeemable in nature.
Preference Shareholders do not normally enjoy the right to vote.

Debenture:  Debenture is a document bearing the company common seal. Which creates or acknowledges a debt? It need not be secured (It may be secured or It may not be secured). It does not carry any voting rights, but it carries interest.Debenture holders are creditors of company.

Stock Split: The dividing of a company’s existing stock into multiple stocks.  When the Par Value of share is reduced and the number of share is increased.

Calls-in-Arrears: It means that amount which is not yet been paid by share holders till the last day for the payment.

Calls-in-advance: When a shareholder pays with an instalment in respect of call yet to make the amount so received is known as calls-in-advance. Calls-in-advance can be accepted by a company when it is authorized by the articles.

Forfeiture of share: It means the cancellation or allotment of unpaid shareholders.
Forfeiture and reissue of shares allotted on pro – rata basis in case of over subscription.
Prospectus: Inviting of the public for subscribing on shares or debentures of the company. It is issued by the public companies.
The amount must be subscribed with in 120 days from the date of prospects.

Simple Interest: It is the interest paid only on the principal amount borrowed. No interest is paid on the interest accured during the term of the loan.

Compound Interest: It means that, the interest will include interest caliculated on interest.
Time Value of Money: Money has time value. A rupee today is more valuable than a rupee a year hence. The relation between value of a rupee today and value of a rupee in future is known as “Time Value of Money”.

NAV: Net Asset Value of the fund is the cumulative market value of the fund net of its liabilities. NAV per unit is simply the net value of assets divided by the number of units out standing. Buying and Selling into funds is done on the basis of NAV related prices. The NAV of a mutual fund are required to be published in news papers. The NAV of an open end scheme should be disclosed ona daily basis and the NAV of a closed end scheme should be disclosed atleast on a weekly basis.

Financial markets: The financial markets can broadly be divided into money and capital market.

Money Market: Money market is a market for debt securities that pay off in the short term usually less than one year, for example the market for 90-days treasury bills. This market encompasses the trading and issuance of short term non equity debt instruments including treasury bills, commercial papers, banker’s acceptance, certificates of deposits, etc.

Capital Market: Capital market is a market for long-term debt and equity shares. In this market, the capital funds comprising of both equity and debt are issued and traded. This also includes private placement sources of debt and equity as well as organized markets like stock exchanges. Capital market can be further divided into primary and secondary markets.

Primary Market: It provides the channel for sale of new securities. Primary Market provides opportunity to issuers of securities; Government as well as corporate, to raise resources to meet their requirements of investment and/or discharge some obligation.
They may issue the securities at face value, or at a discount/premium and these securities may take a variety of forms such as equity, debt etc. They may issue the securities in domestic market and/or international market.

Secondary Market: It refers to a market where securities are traded after being initially offered to the public in the primary market and/or listed on the stock exchange. Majority of the trading is done in the secondary market. It comprises of equity markets and the debt markets.
Difference between the primary market and the secondary market: In the primary market, securities are offered to public for subscription for the purpose of raising capital or fund. Secondary market is an equity trading avenue in which already existing/pre- issued securities are traded amongst investors. Secondary market could be either auction or dealer market. While stock exchange is the part of an auction market, Over-the-Counter (OTC) is a part of the dealer market.

SEBI and its role: The SEBI is the regulatory authority established under Section 3 of SEBI Act 1992 to protect the interests of the investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate, the securities market and for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto.

Portfolio: A portfolio is a combination of investment assets mixed and matched for the purpose of investor’s goal.

Portfolio Management: Classification of assets get aims at minimizing the total risk while taking the maximum returns is called portfolio management. It refers to diversification of assets which means not keeping all eggs in the same basket.

Market Capitalisation: The market value of a quoted company, which is caliculated by multiplying its current share price (market price) by the number of shares in issue, is called as market capitalization.

An abbreviation of the Bombay Exchange Sensitive Index (Sensex) - the benchmark index of the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). It is composed of 30 of the largest and most actively-traded stocks on the BSE. Initially compiled in 1986, the Sensex is the oldest stock index in India.

The index is calculated based on a free-float capitalization method when weighting the effect of a company on the index. This is a variation of the market cap method, but instead of using a company's outstanding shares it uses its float, or shares that are readily available for trading. The free-float method, therefore, does not include restricted stocks, such as those held by company insiders that can't be readily sold.

Book Building Process: It is basically a process used in IPOs for efficient price discovery. It is a mechanism where, during the period for which the IPO is open, bids are collected from investors at various prices, which are above or equal to the floor price. The offer price is determined after the bid closing date.

Cut off Price: In Book building issue, the issuer is required to indicate either the price band or a floor price in the red herring prospectus. The actual discovered issue price can be any price in the price band or any price above the floor price. This issue price is called “Cut off price”. This is decided by the issuer and LM after considering the book and investors’ appetite for the stock. SEBI (DIP) guidelines permit only retail individual investors to have an option of applying at cut off price.

Bluechip Stock: Stock of a recognized, well established and financially sound company.

Penny Stock: Penny stocks are any stock that trades at very low prices, but subject to extremely high risk.

Debentures: Companies raise substantial amount of longterm funds through the issue of debentures. The amount to be raised by way of loan from the public is divided into small units called debentures. Debenture may be defined as written instrument acknowledging a debt issued under the seal of company containing provisions regarding the payment of interest, repayment of principal sum, and charge on the assets of the company etc…

Debt Securitization: It is a mode of financing, where in securities are issued on the basis of package of assets (called pooled). This involves the following process of activities:
v  Organizing function
v  Pooling function
v  Securitization function

Large Cap / Big Cap:   Companies having a large market capitalization
For example, In US companies with market capitalization value of more than $10 billion and in the Indian context companies market capitalization of above Rs. 20000 crore are considered large caps.

Mid Cap: Companies having a mid sized market capitalization, for example, In US companies with market capitalization between $2 billion and $10 billion, and in the Indian context companies market capitalization between Rs. 5000 crore to Rs. 20000 crore are considered mid caps.

Small Cap: Refers to stocks with a relatively small market capitalization, i.e. lessthan $2 billion in US or lessthan Rs.5000 crore in India.

A company, who is buying more than 51% of shares from another company, is called holding company. A company shall be deemed to be a subsidiary of another company, if that other company,
v  Controls the composition of its Board of Directors.
v  Holds more than 50% of the voting power or paid up capital in the other company.
v  Is the subsidiary any other company, which is the subsidiary of holding company.

Subsidiary Company: A company who is selling more than 51% of their shares to another company is called subsidiary company.The company controlled by holding company is known as the Subsidary Company.

Government Company : A Government Company is a company in which not less than 51% of the paid up share capital of the company is held by Central Government, or State Government, or partly by the by the Central Government and partly by one or more State Governments.

Consolidated Balance Sheet: It is the b/s of the holding company and its subsidiary company taken together.

Partnership: Partnership means an association between two or more persons who agree to carry the business and to share profits and losses arising from it. "Section 464 of the Companies Act, 2013 empowers the Center Government to prescribe maximum number of partners in a firm but the number of partners so prescribed cannot be more than 100.The Central Government has prescribed maximum number of partners in a firm to be 50 vide Rule 10 of the Companies (Miscellaneous) Rules,2014.Thus, in effect, a partnership firm cannot have more than 50 members".

IPO: First time when a company announces its shares to the public is called as an IPO. (Intial Public Offer)

A Further public offering (FPO): It is when an already listed company makes either a fresh issue of securities to the public or an offer for sale to the public, through an offer document. An offer for sale in such scenario is allowed only if it is made to satisfy listing or continuous listing obligations.

Rights Issue (RI): It is when a listed company which proposes to issue fresh securities to its shareholders as on a record date. The rights are normally offered in a particular ratio to the number of securities held prior to the issue.

Preferential Issue: It is an issue of shares or of convertible securities by listed companies to a select group of persons under sec.81 of the Indian companies act, 1956 which is neither a rights issue nor a public issue.This is a faster way for a company to raise equity capital.

Index: An index shows how specified portfolios of share prices are moving in order to give an indication of market trends. It is a basket of securities and the average price movement of the basket of securities indicates the index movement, whether upward or downwards.

Demat Account: Demat means de materialized account. It is a separate account maintained for investments (Shares, Securities, Debentures, and Bonds etc.). It gives information about shares sought and sold, prices at which shares were bought and sold, shares presently holding and amount held.

Dematerialisation: It is the process by which physical certificates of an investor are converted to an equivalent number of securities in electronic form and credited to the investor’s account with his depository participant.

Bull and Bear Market: Bull market is where the prices go up and Bear market where the prices come down.

Exchange Rate: It is a rate at which the currencies are bought and sold.

FOREX: The Foreign Exchange Market is the place where currencies are traded. The overall FOREX markets is the largest, most liquid market in the world with an average traded value that exceeds $ 1.9 trillion per day and includes all of the currencies in the world.It is open 24 hours a day, five days a week.

Mutual Fund: A mutual fund is a pool of money, collected from investors, and invested according to certain investment objectives.

Asset Management Company (AMC): A company set up under Indian company’s act, 1956 primarily for performing as the investment manager of mutual funds. It makes investment decisions and manages mutual funds in accordance with the scheme objectives, deed of trust and provisions of the investment management agreement.

Back-End Load: A kind of sales charge incurred when investors redeem or sell shares of a fund.
Front-End Load: A kind of sales charge that is paid before any amount gets invested into the mutual fund.

Off Shore Funds: The funds setup abroad to channalise foreign investment in the domestic capital markets.

Under Writer: The organization that acts as the distributor of mutual funds share to broker or dealers and investors.

Registrar: The institution that maintains a registry of shareholders of a fund and their share ownership. Normally the registrar also distributes dividends and provides periodic statements to shareholders.

Trustee: A person or a group of persons having an overall supervisory authority over the fund managers.

Bid (or Redemption) Price: In newspaper listings, the pre-share price that a fund will pay its shareholders when they sell back shares of a fund, usually the same as the net asset value of the fund.

Schemes according to Maturity Period:
A mutual fund scheme can be classified into open-ended scheme or close-ended scheme depending on its maturity period.

Open-ended Fund/ Scheme
An open-ended fund or scheme is one that is available for subscription and repurchase on a continuous basis. These schemes do not have a fixed maturity period. Investors can conveniently buy and sell units at Net Asset Value (NAV) related prices which are declared on a daily basis. The key feature of open-end schemes is liquidity.

Close-ended Fund/ Scheme
A close-ended fund or scheme has a stipulated maturity period e.g. 5-7 years. The fund is open for subscription only during a specified period at the time of launch of the scheme. Investors can invest in the scheme at the time of the initial public issue and thereafter they can buy or sell the units of the scheme on the stock exchanges where the units are listed. In order to provide an exit route to the investors, some close-ended funds give an option of selling back the units to the mutual fund through periodic repurchase at NAV related prices. SEBI Regulations stipulate that at least one of the two exit routes is provided to the investor i.e. either repurchase facility or through listing on stock exchanges. These mutual funds schemes disclose NAV generally on weekly basis.

Schemes according to Investment Objective:
A scheme can also be classified as growth scheme, income scheme, or balanced scheme considering its investment objective. Such schemes may be open-ended or close-ended schemes as described earlier. Such schemes may be classified mainly as follows:

Growth / Equity Oriented Scheme
The aim of growth funds is to provide capital appreciation over the medium to long- term. Such schemes normally invest a major part of their corpus in equities. Such funds have comparatively high risks. These schemes provide different options to the investors like dividend option, capital appreciation, etc. and the investors may choose an option depending on their preferences. The investors must indicate the option in the application form. The mutual funds also allow the investors to change the options at a later date. Growth schemes are good for investors having a long-term outlook seeking appreciation over a period of time.

Income / Debt Oriented Scheme
The aim of income funds is to provide regular and steady income to investors. Such schemes generally invest in fixed income securities such as bonds, corporate debentures, Government securities and money market instruments. Such funds are less risky compared to equity schemes. These funds are not affected because of fluctuations in equity markets. However, opportunities of capital appreciation are also limited in such funds. The NAVs of such funds are affected because of change in interest rates in the country. If the interest rates fall, NAVs of such funds are likely to increase in the short run and vice versa. However, long term investors may not bother about these fluctuations.

Balanced Fund
The aim of balanced funds is to provide both growth and regular income as such schemes invest both in equities and fixed income securities in the proportion indicated in their offer documents. These are appropriate for investors looking for moderate growth. They generally invest 40-60% in equity and debt instruments. These funds are also affected because of fluctuations in share prices in the stock markets. However, NAVs of such funds are likely to be less volatile compared to pure equity funds.

Money Market or Liquid Fund
These funds are also income funds and their aim is to provide easy liquidity, preservation of capital and moderate income. These schemes invest exclusively in safer short-term instruments such as treasury bills, certificates of deposit, commercial paper and inter-bank call money, government securities, etc. Returns on these schemes fluctuate much less compared to other funds. These funds are appropriate for corporate and individual investors as a means to park their surplus funds for short periods.

Gilt Fund
These funds invest exclusively in government securities. Government securities have no default risk. NAVs of these schemes also fluctuate due to change in interest rates and other economic factors as is the case with income or debt oriented schemes.

Index Funds
Index Funds replicate the portfolio of a particular index such as the BSE Sensitive index, S&P NSE 50 index (Nifty), etc these schemes invest in the securities in the same weightage comprising of an index. NAVs of such schemes would rise or fall in accordance with the rise or fall in the index, though not exactly by the same percentage due to some factors known as "tracking error" in technical terms. Necessary disclosures in this regard are made in the offer document of the mutual fund scheme.
There are also exchange traded index funds launched by the mutual funds which are traded on the stock exchanges.

Earning per share (EPS): It is a financial ratio that gives the information regarding earing available to each equity share. It is very important financial ratio for assessing the state of market price of share. The EPS statement is applicable to the enterprise whose equity shares are listed in stock exchange.

Types of EPS:
Basic EPS ( with normal shares)
Diluted EPS (with normal shares and convertible shares)
EPS Statement                     :

Sales                                                     ****
Less: variable cost                                 ****
Contribution      ***
Less: Fixed cost                                      ****

EBIT             *****
Less: Interest                                           ***
EBT           ****
Less:  Tax                                                 ****
Earnimgs           ****
Less: preference dividend                        ****
Earnings available to equity
Share holders (A)                                      *****

EPS=A/ No of outstanding Shares
EBIT and Operating Income are same
The higher the EPS, the better is the performance of the company.

Cash Flow Statement: It is a statement which shows inflows (receipts) and outflows (payments) of cash and its equivalents in an enterprise during a specified period of time. According to the revised accounting standard 3, an enterprise prepares a cash flow statement and should present it for each period for which financial statements are presented.

Funds Flow Statement: Fund means the net working capital. Funds flow statement is a statement which lists first all the sources of funds and then all the applications of funds that have taken place in a business enterprise during the particular period of time for which the statement has been prepared. The statement finally shows the net increase or net decrease in the working capital that has taken place over the period of time.

Float: The difference between the available balance and the ledger balance is referred to as the float.

Collection Float: The amount of cheque deposited by the firm in the bank but not cleared.

Payment Float: The amount of cheques issued by the firm but not paid for by the bank.

Working Cycle or Operating Cycle: There is a complete operating cycle is the time duration required to convert cash in to cash cycle from cash to cash
v  Conversion of cash into raw material
v  Conversion of raw material into work in progress
v  Conversion  of work in progress into finished goods
v  Conversion of finished goods into debtors and
v  Conversion of debtors into cash

No. of Operating Cycle = No. of Days in a year/Operating Cycle Period
The operating cycle of a firm begins with the acquisition of raw material and ends with the collection of receivables.
Objective of Working Capital Management: Optimum Investment in current assets reducing current liabilities.

Working Capital Management: Decisions are to be taken for effective financing of current assets required for day to day running of the organization. Working Capital Management refers to the procedures and policies required to manage the working capital.

Marginal Costing:
Sales – VaribleCost=FixedCost ± Profit/Loss
Contribution= Sales –VaribleCost
Contribution= FixedCost ± Profit/Loss
P / V Ratio= (Contribution / Sales)*100
Per 1 unit information is given,
P / V Ratio = (Contribution per Unit / Sales per Unit)*100
Two years information is given,
P / V Ratio= (Change in Profit / Change in Sales) * 100
Through Sales, P / V Ratio
Contribution =Sales * P / v Ratio
Through P / V Ratio, Contribution
Sales = Contribution / P / VRatio
Break Even Point (B.E.P)
IN Value = (Fixed Cost) / (P / v Ratio) OR (Fixed Cost / Contribution) * Sales
In Units = Fixed Cost / Contribution OR Fixed Cost / (SalesPrice per Unit – V.C per Unit)
Margin of Safety = Total Sales – Sales at B.E.P (OR) Profit / PV Ratio
Sales at desired profit (in units)
= FixedCost+ DesiredProfit / Contribution per Unit
Sales at desired profit (in Value)
= FixedCost+ DesiredProfit / PV ratio (OR) Contribution / PV Ratio

A ratio analysis is a mathematical expression. It is the quantitative relation between two. It is the technique of interpretation of financial statements with the help of meaningful ratios. Ratios may be used for comparison in any of the following ways.
Comparison of a firm its own performance in the past.
Comparison of a firm with the another firm in the industry
Comparison of a firm with the industry as a whole

Liquidity ratio
Activity ratio
Leverage ratio
profitability ratio

1. Liquidity ratio: These are ratios which measure the short term financial position of a firm.
i. Current ratio: It is also called as working capital ratio. The current ratio measures the ability of the firm to meet its currnt liabilities-current assets get converted into cash during the operating cycle of the firm and provide the funds needed to pay current liabilities.  i.e
Current assets
=         Current liabilities
Ideal ratio is 2:1

ii. Quick or Acid test Ratio: It tells about the firm’s liquidity position. It is a fairly stringent measure of liquidity.
=Quick assets/Current Liabilities
Ideal ratio is 1:1
Quick Assets =Current Assets – Stock - Prepaid Expenses

iii. Absolute Liquid Ratio:
=Absolute Liquid Assets/Current Liabilities
Absolute Liquid assets=Cash + Bank + Marketable Securities.

2. Activity Ratios or Current Assets management or Efficiency Ratios:
These ratios measure the efficiency or effectiveness of the firm in managing its resources or assets

Stock or Inventory Turnover Ratio: It indicates the number of times the stock has turned over into sales in a year. A stock turn over ratio of ‘8’ is considered ideal. A high stock turn over ratio indicates that the stocks are fast moving and get converted into sales quickly.
= Cost of goods Sold/ Avg. Inventory

Debtors Turnover Ratio: It expresses the relationship between debtors and sales.
=Credit Sales /Average Debtors

Creditors Turnover Ratio: It expresses the relationship between creditors and purchases.
=Credit Purchases /Average Creditors

Fixed Assets Turnover Ratio: A high fixed asset turn over ratio indicates better utilization of the firm fixed assets. A ratio of around 5 is considered ideal.
= Net Sales / Fixed Assets

Working Capital Turnover Ratio: A high working capital turn over ratio indicates efficiency utilization of the firm’s funds.
=COGS/Working Capital
=Working capital=current assets-current liabilities

3. Leverage Ratio: These ratios are mainly calculated to know the long term solvency position of the company.

Debt Equity Ratio: The debt-equity ratio shows the relative contributions of creditors and owners.
= outsiders fund/Share holders fund
Ideal ratios 2:1
Proprietary ratio or Equity ratio: It expresses the relationship between networth and total assets. A high proprietary ratio is indicativeof strong financial position of the business.
=Share holders funds/Total Assets
= (Equity Capital +Preference capital +Reserves – Fictitious assets) / Total Assets

Fixed Assets to net worth Ratio: This ratio indicates the mode of financing the fixed assets. The ideal ratio is 0.67
=Fixed Assets (After Depreciation.)/Shareholder Fund

4. Profitability Ratios: Profitability ratios measure the profitability of a concern generally. They are calculated either in relation to sales or in relation to investment.

Return on Capital Employed or Return on Investment (ROI): This ratio reveals the earning capacity of the capital employed in the business.
=PBIT /Capital Employed

Return on Proprietors Fund / Earning Ratio:  Earn on Net Worth
=Net Profit (After tax)/Proprietors Fund

Return on Ordinary shareholders Equity or Return on Equity Capital: It expresses the return earned by the equity shareholders on their investment.
=Net Profit after tax and Dividend / Proprietors fund or Paid up equity Capital

Price Earning Ratio: It expresses the relationship between marketprice of share on a company and the earnings per share of that company.
=MPS (Market Price per Share) / EPS

Earning Price Ratio/ Earning Yield:
EPS= Net Profit (After tax and Interest) / No. Of Outstanding Shares.

Dividend Yield ratio: It expresses the relationship between dividend earned per share to earnings per share.
=    Dividend per share (DPS) / Market value per share

Dividend pay-out ratio: It is the ratio of dividend per share to earning per share.

DPS: It is the amount of the dividend payable to the holder of one equity share. =Dividend paid to ordinary shareholders / No. of    ordinary shares

C.G.S=Sales- G.P
G.P= Sales – C.G.S
G.P.Ratio =G.P/Net sales*100

Net Sales= Gross Sales – Return inward- Cash discount allowed

Net profit ratio=Net Profit/ Net Sales*100

Operating Profit ratio=O.P/Net Sales*100

Interest Coverage Ratio= Net Profit (Before Tax & Interest) / Fixed Interest Classes

Return on Investment (ROI): It reveals the earning capacity of the capital employed in the business. It is calculated as,
EBIT/Capital employed.
The return on capital employed should be more than the cost of capital employed.
Capital employed =EquityCapital+Preference sharecapital+Reserves+Longterm loans and Debentures - Fictitious Assets – Non OperatingAssets
al is 'accretive to earnings', it means that the resulting PE ratio (price/earnings) of the acquired company is less than the acquiring company. Example: Company 'A' has earnings per share (EPS) of $1. The current share price is $10. This gives a P/E ratio of 10 (current share price is 10 times the EPS). Company 'B' has made a net profit for the year of $20,000. If company 'A' values 'B' at, say, $180,000 (P/E ratio=9 [180,000 valuation/20,000 profit]) then the deal is accretive because company 'A' is effectively increasing its EPS (because it now has more shares and it paid less for them compared with its own share price).


ABC Analysis: ABC Analysis is a method of inventory control. It is popular system of inventory control. The item of inventory is generally classified in to three types. These are:
A : Usage value is Maximum and number of items is Minimum.
B: Usage value is Medium and number of items is also medium.
C : Usage value is Lowest and number of items is Highest.

Acceptance   An undertaking by the drawee (who then becomes the “acceptor”), of a Bill of Exchange to pay to the person presenting the bill (called the holder in due course) the face value of the bill on the due date.
Acceptance Form    An acceptance is made in the following form:
FOR AND ON BEHALF OF (Authorised Signatory)

Acceptor:      The person who accepts a Bill of Exchange drawn on him/her. Until he accepts it, he is called the drawee. By accepting the bill, the acceptor undertakes to pay the person presenting the bill, the face value of the bill.

Acceptance Credit:  A documentary credit, which requires, amongst the documents
stipulated, provision of a term bill of exchange. The bill is then generally accepted by the bank on which it is drawn or discounted.

Accruals: If during the course of a business certain charges are incurred but no invoice is received then these charges are referred to as accruals (they 'accrue' or increase in value). A typical example is interest payable on a loan where you have not yet received a bank statement. These items (or an estimate of their value) should still be included in the profit & loss account. When the real invoice is received, an adjustment can be made to correct the estimate. Accruals can also apply to the income side.
Accrued Expenses: The expenditure which is incurred and the payment there of might or might not be paid.

Accrued Interest: The accrued interest is to be added to the concerned income in the credit side of the profit and loss account. The accrued interest is to be shown as an asset, Asset side of Balance Sheet
Accrued Interest A/c Dr
Interest A/c

Accrued Income: means income earned, but which is not due (no right to receive on this date). Earned during the current accounting year but have not been actually received by the end of the same year.
Ex: Interest on loan, Commission etc.

Outstanding Income: Income accrued and due but was not receive.

Account payable an amount due for payment to a supplier of goods or services, also described as a trade creditor.

Account receivable an amount due from a customer, also described as a trade debtor.

Accountancy firm a business partnership (or possibly a limited company) in which the partners are qualified accountants. The firm undertakes work for clients in respect of audit, accounts preparation, tax and similar activities.

Accounting :the process of identifying, measuring and communicating financial information about an entity to permit informed judgements and decisions by users of the information.

Accounting equation :the relationship between assets, liabilities and ownership interest.

Accounting period time period for which financial statements are prepared (e.g. Month, quarter, year).

Accounting policies accounting methods which have been judged by business enterprises to be most appropriate to their circumstances and adopted by them for the purpose of preparing their financial statements.

Accounting standards definitive statements of best practice issued by a body having suitable authority. Indian Accounting Standard (abbreviated as Ind-AS) is the Accounting standard adopted by companies in India and issued under the supervision of Accounting Standards Board (ASB) which was constituted as a body in the year 1977. ... MCA(ministry of corporate affairs) has to spell out the accounting standards applicable for companies in India.
International Accounting Standards (IAS) are older accounting standards issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), an independent international standard-setting body based in London. The IAS were replaced in 2001 by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

Accruals basis the effects of transactions and other events are recognised when they occur (and not as cash or its equivalent is received or paid) and they are recorded in the accounting records and reported in the financial statements of the periods to which they relate (see also matching).

Acid test the ratio of liquid assets to current  liabilities.

Acquiree company that becomes controlled by another.

Acquirer company that obtains control of another.

Acquisition an acquisition takes place where one company – the acquirer – acquires control of another – the acquiree – usually through purchase of shares.

Acquisition method production of consolidated financial statements for an acquisition. Administrative expenses costs of managing and running a business.
Agency a relationship between a principal and an agent. In the case of a limited liability company, the shareholder is the principal and the director is the agent.

Agency theory a theoretical model, developed by academics, to explain how the relationship between a principal and an agent may have economic consequences.
After Date     Payment of a negotiable instrument, such as a bank draft, becomes due a specified number of days after presentation of the draft.

Agent / Agency Agreement          An agent is an independent person or legal entity that acts on
behalf of another (the “principal”).

Air Waybill / Air Consignment Note
Document which acknowledges receipt by an air transport
company of goods dispatched by air. Normally completed in triplicate with a copy each for the Consignor,Consignee and the Carrier. An Air Waybill is not a document of title to goods in the same manner as a Bill of Lading.

Allocate to assign a whole item of cost, or of revenue, to a simple cost centre, account or time period.

Amortisation process similar to depreciation, usually applied to intangible fixed assets.

Annual report a document produced each year by limited liability companies containing the accounting information required by law. Larger companies also provide information and pictures of the activities of the company. Annual Report is a report, which will contain the all financial statements of the company and auditors report and main opinions on performance of company.

Applicant       Normally the buyer or importer who applies (thus, the applicant), to a bank, for a documentary credit in favour of the beneficiary, the seller or exporter.

Appreciation: A rise in the value of a currency in terms of foreign currencies or

Articles of association document setting out the relative rights of shareholders in a limited liability company. This document represents rules and regulations of the company. It defines duties, rights, and regulations of the company between themselves and company.

Assets rights or other access to future economic benefits controlled by an entity as a result of past transactions or events.

Associated company one company exercises significant influence over another, falling short of complete control.

Audit an audit is the independent examination of, and expression of opinion on, financial statements of an entity.

Accrual method of accounting: Most businesses use the accrual method of accounting (because it is usually required by law). When you issue an invoice on credit (ie. regardless of whether it is paid or not), it is treated as a taxable supply on the date it was issued for income tax purposes (or corporation tax for limited companies). The same applies to bills received from suppliers. (This does not mean you pay income tax immediately, just that it must be included in that year's profit and loss account).

Accumulated Depreciation Account: This is an account held in the nominal ledger which holds the depreciation of a fixed asset until the end of the asset's useful life (either because it has been scrapped or sold). It is credited each year with that year's depreciation, hence the balance increases (ie. accumulates) over a period of time. Each fixed asset will have its own accumulated depreciation account.

Advanced Corporation Tax (ACT - UK only - no longer in use): This is corporation tax paid in advance when a limited company issues a dividend. ACT is then deducted from the total corporation tax due when it has been calculated at year end. ACT was abolished in April 1999.
Amortization: The depreciation (or repayment) of an (usually) intangible asset (eg. loan, mortgage) over a fixed period of time. Example: if a loan of 12,000 is amortized over 1 year with no interest, the monthly payments would be 1000 a month.that means amortization is 1. The paying off of debt in regular installments over a period of time.
2. The deduction of capital expenses over a specific period of time (usually over the asset's life). More specifically, this method measures the consumption of the value of intangible assets, such as a patent or a copyright.

Annualize: To convert anything into a yearly figure. Eg. if profits are reported as running at £10k a quarter, then they would be £40k if annualized. If a credit card interest rate was quoted as 1% a month, it would be annualized as 12%.

Appropriation Account: An account in the nominal ledger which shows how the net profits of a business (usually a partnership, limited company or corporation) have been used.

Arrears: Bills which should have been paid. For example, if you have forgotten to pay your last 3 months rent, then you are said to be 3 months in arrears on your rent.

Assets: Assets represent what a business owns or is due. Equipment, vehicles, buildings, creditors, money in the bank, cash are all examples of the assets of a business. Typical breakdown includes 'Fixed assets', 'Current assets' and 'non-current assets'. Fixed refers to equipment, buildings, plant, vehicles etc. Current refers to cash, money in the bank, debtors etc. Non-current refers to any assets which do not easily fit into the previous categories (such as Deferred expenditure).

At cost: The 'at cost' price usually refers to the price originally paid for something, as opposed to, say, the retail price.

Audit: The process of checking every entry in a set of books to make sure they agree with the original paperwork (eg. checking a journal's entries against the original purchase and sales invoices).

Audit Trail: A list of transactions in the order they occurred.

Bad debt it is known that a credit customer (debtor) is unable to pay the amount due.

Bad Debts Account: An account in the nominal ledger to record the value of un-recoverable debts from customers. Real bad debts or those that are likely to happen can be deducted as expenses against tax liability (provided they refer specifically to a customer).

Bad Debts Reserve Account: An account used to record an estimate of bad debts for the year (usually as a percentage of sales). This cannot be deducted as an expense against tax liability.
Balance Sheet: A summary of all the accounts of a business. Usually prepared at the end of each financial year.

Balancing Charge: When a fixed asset is sold or disposed of, any loss or gain on the asset can be reclaimed against (or added to) any profits for income tax purposes. This is called a balancing charge.

Bankrupt: If an individual or unincorporated company has greater liabilities than it has assets, the person or business can petition for, or be declared by its creditors, bankrupt. In the case of a limited company or corporation in the same position, the term used is insolvent.

Balance sheet a statement of the financial position of an entity showing assets, liabilities and ownership interest.

Bank facility an arrangement with a bank to borrow money as required up to an agreed limit.

Bond the name sometimes given to loan finance (more commonly in the usa).

Broker (stockbroker) member of a stock exchange who arranges purchase and sale of shares and may also provide an information service giving buy/sell/hold recommendations.

Broker's report bulletin written by a stockbroking firm for circulation to its clients, providing analysis and guidance on companies as potential investments.

Business cycle period (usually 12 months) during which the peaks and troughs of activity of a business form a pattern which is repeated on a regular basis.

Business entity a business which exists independently of its owners.

Below the line: This term is applied to items within a business which would not normally be associated with the everyday running of a business.

Bill: A term typically used to describe a purchase invoice (eg. an invoice from a supplier).

Bought Ledger: See Purchase Ledger.

Burn Rate: The rate at which a company spends its money. Example: if a company had cash reserves of $120m and it was currently spending $10m a month, then you could say that at the current 'burn rate' the company will run out of cash in 1 year.

Banker’s Acceptance          A Bill of Exchange accepted by a bank usually for the purpose of
financing a sale of goods to or by the bank’s customer. The bill may be drawn by an exporter on the importer’s bank and be sold on the open market at a discount.

Bank to Bank Payment      A transfer of funds between remitter and beneficiary via the
banking system.

Barter            The direct exchange of goods and/or services for other goods and/or services without the use of money and without the involvement of a third party.

Basis Points  100 basis points are equal to 1%.

Beneficiary   Normally the seller or exporter in whose favour the documentary credit has been established.

Bid (buying) Rate    Exchange rate at which foreign exchange dealers are prepared to
buy foreign exchange in the market from other dealers, and at which potential sellers are therefore able to sell foreign exchange to those dealers.

Bid / Tender Bond   Provides an assurance of the intention of the party submitting a
tender (i.e. the principal) to sign a contract if his tender is accepted.

Bill of Exchange       Defined by the Bills of Exchange Act as:
“An unconditional order in writing, addressed by one person to another, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand, or at a fixed or determinable future time, a sum certain in money to or to the order of, a specified person, or to bearer”.
A bill is signed by the drawer and addressed to a drawee, who becomes the acceptor by writing his name across the face of the bill. The person to whom the bill is payable is referred to as the payee.
A Bill of Exchange is a negotiable instrument.

Bill of Lading Receipt issued by a shipowner or his agent incorporating a contract setting out the rights and obligations of a shipping company in transporting goods by sea. It specifies the name of the ship, the port and destination of the ship, the goods and the consignee. In some instances, a Bill of Lading could cover goods transported by more than one means e.g. sea, rail, etc.
A Bill of Lading is not automatically a negotiable instrument, but it does possess a certain similarity to a negotiable instrument insofar that it is drawn “to the order” of the person named; it may be endorsed and transferred by delivery thereby giving the transferee right to the goods. Delivery of the goods is made upon the surrender of one valid “negotiable copy” of the bill of lading fully endorsed. All other copies are then rendered void.
A Bill of Lading is a document of title.

Bill of Lading Guarantee    A letter usually from an importer to the shipping company in which
the importer undertakes to indemnify the shipping company against the consequences of delivering goods without production of a Bill of Lading. The importers letter of undertaking usually requires the prior endorsement or guarantee by his bankers before it is acceptable to the shipping company who will then release the goods - see Trade Guarantees.

Blank Endorsement            An endorsement in blank specifies no endorsee and a bill so
endorsed becomes payable to bearer and may be negotiated by delivery.
When a bill has been endorsed in blank, any holder may convert the blank endorsement into a special endorsement by writing above the endorser’s signature a direction to pay the bill to the order of himself, or some other person.

BOLERO         Electronic platform for the transmission of all trade documents developed by SWIFT and TT Club as owners.

Bond Warrant          The document of title to goods being held in bond storage.

CAGR: (Compound Annual Growth Rate) The year on year growth rate required to show the change in value (of an investment) from its initial value to its final value. If a $1 investment was worth $1.52 over three years, the CAGR would be 15% [(1 x 1.15) x 1.15 x 1.15]
Called up (share capital) the company has called upon the shareholders who first bought the shares, to make their payment in full.

Called-up Share capital: The value of unpaid (but issued shares) which a company has requested payment for. See Paid-up Share capital.

Capital: An amount of money put into the business (often by way of a loan) as opposed to money earned by the business.

Capital an amount of finance provided to enable a business to acquire assets and
sustain its operations.

Capital expenditure spending on non-current (fixed) assets of a business.

Capitalisation issue issue of shares to existing shareholders in proportion to shares already held. Raises no new finance but changes the mix of share capital and reserves.

Cash cash on hand (such as money held in a cash box or a safe) and deposits in a bank that may be withdrawn on demand.

Cash equivalents short-term, highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.

Cash Against Documents
(CAD) Indicates invoice amount to be paid by the buyer/importer at sight on presentation of relative commercial documents e.g. Bill of Lading, insurance certificate etc.

Call      A demand for payment under a loan or guarantee.

Case of Need                        The drawer of a bill, and any endorser, may insert therein the name of a party to whom the holder may resort in case of need,
i.e. in case the bill is dishonoured by non-acceptance or non- payment.
Such a party is called the referee in case of need.

Cash flow projections statements of cash expected to flow into the business and cash expected to flow out over a particular period.

Cash flow statement provides information about changes in financial position in cash only.

Chairman the person who chairs the meetings of the board of directors of a company (preferably not the chief executive).

Chief executive the director in charge of the day-to-day running of a company.

Certificate of Origin            Certificate given by the exporter certifying the origin of either the
materials or production of goods being shipped.

Certificate of Inspection    A document certifying the quality, quantity and/or price of a given
shipment of goods. May involve the buyer stipulating an independent inspection agency.

Charter Party           A contract under which a charterer agrees to rent/hire the use of a
ship or part of a ship from a shipowner. The charterer will, in some cases, be empowered to issue their own Bills of Lading, known as Charter Party Bills of Lading, subject to the conditions of the original charter party contract.

CIF      Cost, Insurance and Freight

Close season period during which those who are 'insiders' to a listed company should not buy or sell shares.

Clean Bills      Bills of Exchange (drafts, cheques etc.) drawn payable overseas and which are not accompanied by commercial documents.

Clean Bills of Lading            A Bill of Lading indicating that the goods were received in
apparent good condition. A clean bill is one that contains no notations of defect, damage or loss and signed by the carrier or it’s authorised representative or agent.

Collar  A simultaneous purchase and sale of an option with different strike prices.

Collection of a Bill    Where an exporter hands a Bill of Exchange, which may be
accompanied by documents, to his bank, together with instructions as to the manner in which they are to be made available to the importer through a bank in the buyer’s country.

Collecting Bank        Is any bank, other than the remitting bank, involved in processing
the collection.

Commercial Invoice            The basic document of international trade containing a record of the transaction between the seller (exporter) and buyer (importer) containing description of goods, price, discounts, quantities and delivery and payment terms.

Consignment            This is a method of financing trade. When goods are shipped on a
consignment basis, related shipping documents are dispatched either directly to the importer or through his bank, which will be instructed to deliver them, free of payment, against a simple form of receipt undertaking payment when the merchandise is sold, or within a specified time.
Payment is usually made when the goods are sold, or within a specified time thereafter, and title to the goods remains with the exporter until they are sold by the consignee.
Del-credre Commission: It is extra commission paid to bear the bad debts collection loss.

Consignee     The intended receiver of a cargo shipment.

Consular Invoice      A specifically printed invoice which is completed by the exporter
and presented to the Consul of the country of import for stamping and signature.

Correspondent Bank           Formal relationships which is established between an overseas
bank and a domestic bank to facilitate international banking transactions.

Cost and Freight (C & F)     The seller/exporter of goods must pay the cost and freight
necessary to bring the goods to the named destination but the risk of loss or damage to the goods, as well as of any cost increases, is transferred from the seller to the buyer/importer when the goods pass the ships rail in the port of shipment. Any insurance premium becomes the care of the buyer/importer – see Incoterms.

Countertrade            Includes barter, buy-back, counterpurchase, offset requirements,
and swaps relating to exporters commitments to take products from the importers or from their respective countries in full or part payment for their exports.

Cross Rate    In calculating a spot or future price between two currencies, reference to their respective quotations in a third currency determines the cross rate.

Currency Option      A Foreign Currency Option gives the holder the right but not the
obligation, to buy or sell a currency on or before a future date, at a specified price in return for a premium.

Currency Swap        A transaction in which the two counterparties’ exchange specific
amounts of two different currencies at the outset and repays over time according to a predetermined rule which reflects interest rates and possibly amortisation of principal. The payment flows in currency swaps, (in which payments are based on fixed interest rates in each currency) are generally like those of spot and forward currency transactions.

Customs Broker       Licensed agent or broker whose function is to handle the process
of clearing goods though customs for importers.

Customs Duty           Tax levied by the government on goods crossing their borders,
usually a tax imposed on imports.

Customs / Forwarding Agent A Customs Agent is one specialising in clearance of imports
through local customs authorities.
A Forwarding Agent is one specialising in arrangements covering the physical movement of goods to overseas.
Both tasks may be carried out by the one agent.

Commercial paper a method of borrowing money from commercial institutions such as banks.

Companies act the companies act 1985 as modified by the companies act 1989. Legislation to control the activities of limited liability companies.

Comparability qualitative characteristic expected in financial statements, comparable within company and between companies.

Conceptual framework a statement of principles providing generally accepted guidance for the development of new reporting practices and for challenging and evaluating the existing practices.

Conservatism see prudence. Sometimes used with a stronger meaning of understating assets and overstating liabilities.

Consistency the measurement and display of similar transactions and other events is carried out in a consistent way throughout an entity within each accounting period and from one period to the next, and also in a consistent way by different entities.

Consolidated financial statements present financial information about the group as a single reporting entity.

Contingent liabilities obligations that are not recognised in the balance sheet because they depend upon some future event happening.

Convertible loan loan finance for a business that is later converted into share capital.

Corporate governance the system by which companies are directed and controlled. Boards of directors are responsible for the governance of their companies.

Corporate social responsibility companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interactions with stakeholders.

Corporation tax tax payable by companies, based on the taxable profits of the period.

Cost of a non-current asset is the cost of making it ready for use, cost of finished goods is cost of bringing them to the present condition and location.

Coupon rate of interest payable on a loan.

Credit (bookkeeping system) entries in the credit column of a ledger account represent increases in liabilities, increases in ownership interest, revenue, or decreases in assets.

Credit (terms of business) the supplier agrees to allow the customer to make payment some time after the delivery of the goods or services. Typical trade credit periods range from 30 to 60 days but each agreement is different.

Credit note a document sent to a customer of a business cancelling the customer's debt to the business, usually because the customer has returned defective goods or has received inadequate service.

Credit purchase a business entity takes delivery of goods or services and is allowed to make payment at a later date.

Credit sale a business entity sells goods or services and allows the customer to make payment at a later date.

Creditor a person or organisation to whom money is owed by the entity.

Current asset an asset that is expected to be converted into cash within the trading cycle.

Current liability a liability which satisfies any of the following criteria: (a) it is expected to be settled in the entity's normal operating cycle; (b) it is held primarily for the purpose of being traded; (c) it is due to be settled within 12 months after the balance sheet date.

Current value a method of valuing assets and liabilities which takes account of changing prices, as an alternative to historical cost.

Customers' collection period average number of days credit taken by customers.

Capital account: A term usually applied to the owner’s equity in the business.
Capital Allowances (UK specific): The depreciation on a fixed asset is shown in the Profit and Loss account, but is added back again for income tax purposes. In order to be able to claim the depreciation against any profits the Inland Revenue allow a proportion of the value of fixed assets to be claimed before working out the tax bill. These proportions (usually calculated as a percentage of the value of the fixed assets) are called Capital Allowances.

Capital Assets: See Fixed Assets.

Capital Employed (CE): Gross CE=Total assets, Net CE=Fixed assets plus (current assets less current liabilities).

Capital Gains Tax: When a fixed asset is sold at a profit, the profit may be liable to a tax called Capital Gains Tax. Calculating the tax can be a complicated affair (capital gains allowances, adjustments for inflation and different computations depending on the age of the asset are all considerations you will need to take on board).

Cash Accounting: This term describes an accounting method whereby only invoices and bills which have been paid are accounted for. However, for most types of business in the UK, as far as the Inland Revenue are concerned as soon as you issue an invoice (paid or not), it is treated as revenue and must be accounted for. An exception is VAT: Customs & Excise normally require you to account for VAT on an accrual basis, however there is an option called 'Cash Accounting' whereby only paid items are included as far as VAT is concerned (eg. if most of your sales are on credit, you may benefit from this scheme - contact your local Customs & Excise office for the current rules and turnover limits).

Cash Book: A journal where a business's cash sales and purchases are entered. A cash book can also be used to record the transactions of a bank account. The side of the cash book which refers to the cash or bank account can be used as a part of the nominal ledger (rather than posting the entries to cash or bank accounts held directly in the nominal ledger - see 'Three column cash book').

Cash Flow: A report which shows the flow of money in and out of the business over a period of time.

Cash Flow Forecast: A report which estimates the cash flow in the future (usually required by a bank before it will lend you money, or take on your account).
Cash in Hand: See Undeposited funds account.

Charge Back: Refers to a credit card order which has been processed and is subsequently cancelled by the cardholder contacting the credit card company directly (rather than through the seller). This results in the amount being 'charged back' to the seller (often incurs a small penalty or administration fee to the seller).

Chart of Accounts: A list of all the accounts held in the nominal ledger.
CIF (Cost, Insurance, Freight [c.i.f.]): A contract (international) for the sale of goods where the seller agrees to supply the goods, pay the insurance, and pay the freight charges until the goods reach the destination (usually a port - rather than the actual buyers address). After that point, the responsibility for the goods passes to the buyer.

Circulating assets: The opposite to Fixed assets. Circulating assets describe those assets that turn from cash to goods and back again (hence the term circulating). Typically, you buy some raw materials, start to manufacture a product (the asset is called work in progress at this point), produce a product (it is now stock), sell it (it is now back to cash again).
Closing the books: A term used to describe the journal entries necessary to close the sales and expense accounts of a business at year end by posting their balances to the profit and loss account, and ultimately to close the profit & loss account too by posting its balance to a capital or other account.

Companies House (UK only): The title given to the government department which collects and stores information supplied by limited companies. A limited company must supply Companies House with a statement of its final accounts every year (eg. trading and profit and loss accounts, and balance sheet).

Compensating error: A double-entry term applied to a mistake which has cancelled out another mistake.

Compound interest: Apply interest on the capital plus all interest accrued to date. Eg. A loan with an annually applied rate of 10% for 1000 over two years would yield a gross total of 1210 at the end of the period (year 1 interest=100, year two interest=110). The same loan with simple interest applied would yield 1200 (interest on both years is 100 per year).
Contra account: An account created to offset another account. Eg: a Sales contra account would be Sales Discounts. They are accounts included in the same section of a set of books, which when compared together, give the net balance. Example: Sales=10,000 Sales Discounts=1,000 therefore Net Sales=9,000. This example, affecting the revenue side of a business, is also referred to as Contra revenue. The tell-tale sign of a contra account is that it has the oposite balance to that expected for an account in that section (in the above example, the Sales Discounts balance would be shown in brackets - eg. it has a debit balance where Sales has a credit balance).

Control Account: An account held in a ledger which summarises the balance of all the accounts in the same or another ledger. Typically each subsidiary ledger will have a control account which will be mirrored by another control account in the nominal ledger (see 'Self-balancing ledgers').

Cook the books: Falsify a set of accounts. See also creative accounting.

Cost accounting: An area of management accounting which deals with the costs of a business in terms of enabling the management to manage the business more effectively.

Cost-based pricing: Where a company bases its pricing policy solely on the costs of manufacturing rather than current market conditions.

Cost-benefit: Calculating not only the financial costs of a project, but also the cost of the effects it will have from a social point of view. This is not easy to do since it requires valuations of intangible items like the cost of job losses or the effects on the environment. Genetically modified crops are a good example of where cost-benefits would be calculated - and also impossible to answer with any degree of certainty!

Cost centre: Splitting up your expenses by department. Eg. rather than having one account to handle all power costs for a company, a power account would be opened for each depatrment. You can then analyse which department is using the most power, and hopefully find of way of reducing those costs.

Cost of finished goods: The value (at cost) of newly manufactured goods shown in a business's manufacturing account. The valuation is based on the opening raw materials balance, less direct costs involved in manufacturing, less the closing raw materials balance, and less any other overheads. This balance is subsequently transferred to the trading account.

Cost of Goods Sold (COGS): A formula for working out the direct costs of your stock sold over a particular period. The result represents the gross profit. The formula is: Opening stock + purchases - closing stock.
Cost of Goods Sold Ratio = Cost of Goods Sold / Sales x 100

Cost of Sales: A formula for working out the direct costs of your sales (including stock) over a particular period. The result represents the gross profit. The formula is: Opening stock + purchases + direct expenses - closing stock. Also, see Cost of Goods Sold.

Creative accounting: A questionable! means of making a companies figures appear more (or less) appealing to shareholders etc. An example is 'branding' where the 'value' of a brand name is added to intangible assets which increases shareholders funds (and therefore decreases the gearing). Capitalizing expenses is another method (ie. moving them to the assets section rather than declaring them in the Profit & Loss account).

Credit: A column in a journal or ledger to record the 'From' side of a transaction (eg. if you buy some petrol using a cheque then the money is paid from the bank to the petrol account, you would therefore credit the bank when making the journal entry).

Credit Note: A sales invoice in reverse. A typical example is where you issue an invoice for £100, the customer then returns £25 worth of the goods, so you issue the customer with a credit note to say that you owe the customer £25.

Creditors: A list of suppliers to whom the business owes money. That means from whom have taken goods on credit people to whom we owes i.e., these people have lent money to the business or given money to business.
Creditors (control account): An account in the nominal ledger which contains the overall balance of the Purchase Ledger.

Current Assets: These include money in the bank, petty cash, money received but not yet banked (see 'cash in hand'), money owed to the business by its customers, raw materials for manufacturing, and stock bought for re-sale. They are termed 'current' because they are active accounts. Money flows in and out of them each financial year and we will need frequent reports of their balances if the business is to survive (eg. 'do we need more stock and have we got enough money in the bank to buy it?').

Current cost accounting: The valuing of assets, stock, raw materials etc. at current market value as opposed to its historical cost.

Current Liabilities: These include bank overdrafts, short term loans (less than a year), and what the business owes its suppliers. They are termed 'current' for the same reasons outlined under 'current assets' in the previous paragraph.

Customs and Excise: The government department usually responsible for collecting sales tax (eg. VAT in the UK).

Debenture a written acknowledgement of a debt – a name used for loan financing taken up by a company.

Debtor a person or organisation that owes money to the entity.

Deck Cargo   Goods shipped on the deck of a ship rather than in its holds. Due to the additional risks involved with deck cargo, traders often stipulate that cargo may not be carried on deck.

Deep discount bond a loan issued at a relatively low price compared to its nominal value.

Default failure to meet obligations as they fall due for payment.

Deferred asset an asset whose benefit is delayed beyond the period expected for a current asset, but which does not meet the definition of a fixed asset.

Deferred income revenue, such as a government grant, is received in advance of performing the related activity. The deferred income is held in the balance sheet as a type of liability until performance is achieved and is then released to the income statement.

Deferred taxation the obligation to pay tax is deferred (postponed) under tax law beyond the normal date of payment.

Depreciable amount cost of a non-current (fixed) asset minus residual value.

Depreciation the systematic allocation of the depreciable amount of an asset over its useful life. The depreciable amount is cost less residual value.

Director(s) person(s) appointed by shareholders of a limited liability company to manage the affairs of the company.

Disclosed, disclosure an item which is reported in the notes to the accounts is said to be disclosed but not recognised.

Discount received a supplier of goods or services allows a business to deduct an amount called a discount, for prompt payment of an invoiced amount. The discount is often expressed a percentage of the invoiced amount.

Dividend is a return on the investment to the share holders. It is paid out of the divisible profits of the company. Dividend is normally expressed in terms of percentage of the face value of the share. Dividend amount paid to a shareholder, usually in the form of cash, as a reward for investment in the company. The amount of dividend paid is proportionate to the number of shares held.
Types of Dividend: Dividend is 3 types. These are,

i) Dividend of Preference Shares, ii) Dividend on Equity Shares and, iii) Interim Dividend.

Dividend yield dividend per share divided by current market price.

Doubtful debts amounts due from credit customers where there is concern that the customer may be unable to pay.

Drawings cash taken for personal use, in sole trader or partnership business, treated as a reduction of ownership interest.

Days Sales Outstanding (DSO): How long on average it takes a company to collect the money owed to it. See: ratios.html (the first item in the list).

Debenture: This is a type of share issued by a limited company. It is the safest type of share in that it is really a loan to the company and is usually tied to some of the company's assets so should the company fail, the debenture holder will have first call on any assets left after the company has been wound up.

Debit: A column in a journal or ledger to record the 'To' side of a transaction (eg. if you are paying money into your bank account you would debit the bank when making the journal entry).

Debtors: A list of customers who owe money to the business. That means taken goods on credit. People who owes us i.e. people who has taken loan or money.

Debtors (control account): An account in the nominal ledger which contains the overall balance of the Sales Ledger.

Deferred expenditure: Expenses incurred which do not apply to the current accounting period. Instead, they are debited to a 'Deferred expenditure' account in the non-current assets area of your chart of accounts. When they become current, they can then be transferred to the profit and loss account as normal.

Depreciation: The value of assets usually decreases as time goes by. The amount or percentage it decreases by is called depreciation. This is normally calculated at the end of every accounting period (usually a year) at a typical rate of 25% of its last value. It is shown in both the profit & loss account and balance sheet of a business. See straight-line depreciation.

Dilutive: If a company acquires another and says the deal is 'dilutive to earnings', it means that the resulting P/E (price/earnings) ratio of the acquired company is greater than the acquiring company. Example: Company 'A' has an earnings per share (EPS) of $1. The current share price is $10. This gives a P/E ratio of 10 (current share price is 10 times the EPS). Company 'B' has made a net profit for the year of $20,000. If company 'A' values 'B' at, say, $220,000 (P/E ratio=11 [220,000 valuation/20,000 profit]) then the deal is dilutive because company 'A' is effectively decreasing its EPS (because it now has more shares and it paid more for them in comparison with its own share price). (see Accretive)

Dividends: These are payments to the shareholders of a limited company. Demand

Draft  A Bill of Exchange payable at sight or on demand.

Demurrage   The extra charges paid to a shipowner or carrier when a specified period for loading/unloading is exceeded.

Depreciation A decline in the value of a currency in terms of foreign currencies
or gold.

Devaluation  A downward change in the official parity of an exchange rate from that which it was previously set.

Discount a Bill          To discount a bill means to purchase a Bill of Exchange before it
is due for payment for the amount estimated to be its value at the date it is bought. The person for whom the bill is discounted remains liable until the bill is paid although the discounter (bank) looks to the acceptor in the first instance should the bill not be paid. When a bill is sold prior to maturity it is also said to be sold at a discount.

Discount Interest Rate      Discount refers to the amount of interest for the period of finance
deducted from the face value of a term Bill of Exchange or promissory note. A discount rate is the discount expressed as a rate per cent per annum related to the face value of the Bill of Exchange or Promissory Note.

Discrepancy Irregularity in trade documentation presented for payment under a
documentary credit. The bank will refuse to pay against the documents unless the applicant (buyer) agrees to amend the credit or waive objections to payment under the credit.

Documentary Bill     A Bill of Exchange drawn payable overseas and accompanied by
commercial documents such as Bills of Lading, invoice and insurance papers.

Documentary Credit

Irrevocable   An irrevocable documentary credit is a definite undertaking by the
issuing bank that the provision for payment, acceptance or negotiation embodied in the credit will be fulfilled, provided all terms and conditions of the credit are met. An irrevocable credit cannot be cancelled or amended without the consent of all parties, thus once he is in possession of an acceptable credit with which he is able to comply fully, an exporter can fulfil the sales order and shipment of goods, secure in the knowledge that this security of payment cannot be withdrawn or varied without his consent and only exceptional circumstances prevailing in the issuing bank’s country could frustrate due payment. If the irrevocable credit is also confirmed by a bank, these contingent risks are removed – see Confirmation of a Documentary Credit.

Documentary Credit

Revocable     As the name implies, the fundamental difference between this type of instrument and an irrevocable credit is that it can be amended or cancelled by the issuing bank (possibly on request from the applicant), without the consent of the beneficiary.

Documentary CreditLimit  A documentary credit limit is the maximum amount for which an importer may have balances outstanding under documentary credits at any one time.

Documents Against Acceptance (D/A)  The exporter draws a term bill on the overseas buyer and lodges
it, together with shipping documents, with instructions to obtain acceptance of the bill and to release the documents against the acceptance. The collecting bank is also instructed to arrange for presentation of the bill for payment on due date to the drawee (importer/buyer) – see Remittance – Documents Against Payment.

Documents Against Payment (D/P)       The exporter draws a sight bill on the overseas buyer and hands
it, together with shipping documents, to his bank with instructions to arrange presentation to the drawee for release of the documents only on payment of the relative bill – see Remittance – Documents Against Acceptance.

Document of Title    An instrument that enables the holder to deal with the property
described in it as if he were the owner e.g. Bill of Lading.

DOCDEX Rules          ICC Rules for Documentary Credit Dispute Resolution Expertise.
Rules for disputes related to documentary credits.

Draft  See Bill of Exchange.

Drawee          The individual or entity on whom a draft is drawn.

Drawer          The individual or entity that issues or signs a draft instructing the drawee to pay a specified sum of money to, or to the order of, a named person (payee) or to bearer.

Due Date       The date on which a bill of exchange or other instrument becomes due and payable.

Double-entry book-keeping: A system which accounts for every aspect of a transaction - where it came from and where it went to. This from and to aspect of a transaction (called crediting and debiting) is what the term double-entry means. Modern double-entry was first mentioned by G Cotrugli, then expanded upon by L Paccioli in the 15th century.

Drawings: The money taken out of a business by its owner(s) for personal use. This is entirely different to wages paid to a business's employees or the wages or remuneration of a limited company's directors(see'Wages').

Earnings for ordinary shareholders profit after deducting interest charges and taxation and after deducting preference dividends (but before deducting extraordinary items).

Earnings per share calculated as earnings for ordinary shareholders divided by the number of shares which have been issued by the company.

Effective interest rate the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash payments or receipts through the expected life of the financial instrument.

Efficient markets hypothesis share prices in a stock market react immediately to the announcement of new information.

Enterprise a business activity or a commercial project.

Entity, entities something that exists independently, such as a business which exists independently of the owner.

Equity shares shares in a company which participate in sharing dividends and in sharing any surplus on winding up, after all liabilities have been met.

Eurobond market a market in which bonds are issued in the capital market of one country to a non-resident borrower from another country.

Exit value a method of valuing assets and liabilities based on selling prices, as an alternative to
historical cost.

Expense an expense is caused by a transaction or event arising during the ordinary activities of the business which causes a decrease in the ownership interest.

External reporting reporting financial information to those users with a valid claim to receive it, but who are not allowed access to the day-to-day records of the business.

External users (of financial statements) users of financial statements who have a valid interest but are not permitted access to the day-to-day records of the company.

EBIT: Earnings before interest and tax (profit before any interest or taxes have been deducted).

EBITA: Earnings before interest, tax and amortization (profit before any interest, taxes or amortization have been deducted).

EBITDA: Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (profit before any interest, taxes, depreciation or amortization have been deducted).
Economic Value Added: A company or business earning profit which is more than cost of capital (Return expected by Investors).

Encumbrance: A liability (eg. a mortgage is an encumbrance on a property). Also, any money set aside (ie. reserved) for any purpose.

Entry: Part of a transaction recorded in a journal or posted to a ledger.

Equity: The value of the business to the owner of the business (which is the difference between the business's assets and liabilities).

Error of Commission: A double-entry term which means that one or both sides of a double-entry has been posted to the wrong account (but is within the same class of account). Example: Petrol expense posted to Vehicle maintenance expense.

Error of Ommission: A double-entry term which means that a transaction has been ommitted from the books entirely.

Error of Original Entry: A double-entry term which means that a transaction has been entered with the wrong amount.

Error of Principle: A double-entry term which means that one or both sides of a double-entry has been posted to the wrong account (which is also a different class of account). Example: Petrol expense posted to Fixtures and Fittings.

Expenses: Goods or services purchased directly for the running of the business. This does not include goods bought for re-sale or any items of a capital nature (see Stock and Fixed Assets).

EFIC    Export Finance and Insurance Corporation – a statutory corporation promoting the export of Australian goods and services by providing finance and insurance to exporters.

Endorsement            A writing on the back of an instrument (e.g. Bill of Exchange).
It is a means of transference of liability/title of Bill of Exchange, Bill of Lading etc. and the writing need not necessarily be on the back of the instrument to be operative.
An endorsement may be:

  1. In Blank: where the person to whom the instrument is payable merely signs (endorses) and delivers the instrument to another

  1. Special: where the name of the transferee is specified
  2. Restrictive: where further transfer of the bill is prohibited or which expresses a mere authority to deal with the bill as directed and not a transfer of ownership thereof

  1. Conditional: where the endorsement contains certain conditions

  1. Without Recourse: an endorsement having the effect of negotiating a bill but negating the liability of the endorser

Euro    Official currency of the participating member states introduced on January 1, 1999. Westpac does not deal in the legacy currency of member countries.

Exchange Control    Government regulations covering the inflow and outflow of foreign
exchange or securities.

Exchange Rate/ Foreign Exchange Rate            The rate which would apply when changing the money (currency)
of one country to that of another country.

EXDOC            Electronic Export Documentation System – AQIS system enabling exporters to obtain export approval and health certification.

EXIT   Export Integration – customs electronic clearance and reporting system for exports administered by Australian Customs Service

Export Credit Insurance    Insurance coverage for exporters to protect against commercial and political risks of making an international sale.

Fair value the amount at which an asset or liability could be exchanged in an arm's-length transaction between a willing buyer and a willing seller.

Financial accounting a term usually applied to external reporting by a business where that reporting is presented in financial terms.

Financial adaptability the ability of the company to respond to unexpected needs or opportunities.

Financial gearing ratio of loan finance to equity capital and reserves.

Financial reporting standard title of an accounting standard issued by the accounting standards board as a definitive statement of best practice. Prior to 2017, Indian companies used to follow Indian generally acceptable accounting principle (IGAAP).

Financial risk exists where a company has loan finance, especially long-term loan finance where the company cannot relinquish its commitment. The risk relates to being unable to meet payments of interest or repayment of capital as they fall due.

Financial statements documents presenting accounting information which is expected to have a useful purpose.

Financial viability the ability to survive on an ongoing basis.

Fixed asset an asset that is held by an enterprise for use in the production or supply of goods or services, for rental to others, or for administrative purposes on a continuing basis in the reporting entity's activities.

Fixed cost one which is not affected by changes in the level of output over a defined period of time.

Floating charge security taken by lender which floats over all the assets and crystallises over particular assets if the security is required.

Forecast estimate of future performance and position based on stated assumptions and usually including a quantified amount.

Forward exchange contracts an agreement to buy foreign currency at a fixed future date and at an agreed price.

Foreign Exchange    The system or process of converting one national currency into
another and of transferring money from one country to another.

Foreign Currency Account Deposit account expressed in a foreign currency maintained with
a domestic bank.

Forward Deal           An agreement to buy or sell foreign currency against the local
currency or another foreign currency for value on a date more than two business days from date of deal.

Forward Exchange Contract
(FEC)  An agreement entered into between customer and his bank wherein customer agrees to buy or sell foreign currency from or to his bank for delivery at an agreed future date.

Forward Margin       The premium or discount on forward exchanges against spot

Forward Discount    The term applied to a foreign currency which is less expensive to
trade forward than for spot settlement. A forward discount favours the buyer of the foreign currency.

Forward Premium   The term applied to a foreign currency which is more expensive to
trade forward than for spot settlement. A forward premium favours the seller of a foreign currency.

Fully paid shares on which the amount of share capital has been paid in full to the company.

Free On Board [FOB]          A shipping term, which applies, when the goods are placed on
board a ship by the seller at the port of shipment named in the sales contract. The risk of loss of, or damage to, the goods is transferred from the seller to the buyer when the goods pass the ships rail. Freight charges and any insurance premium then becomes the care of the overseas buyer/importer – see Incoterms.

Freight Forwarder   Assembles and consolidates small shipments into a single lot and
assumes, in some cases, full responsibility for transportation of the goods from point of receipt to point of destination.

Futures Contract     A contract for future delivery of a commodity, currency or security
on a specific date. In contrast to forward contracts, futures contracts are for standard quantities and for standard periods of time and are primarily traded on exchanges such as the Sydney Futures Exchange.

FIFO: First In First Out. A method of valuing stock.

Fiscal year: The term used for a business's accounting year. The period is usually twelve months which can begin during any month of the calendar year (eg. 1st April 2001 to 31st March 2002).

Fixed Assets: These consist of anything which a business owns or buys for use within the business and which still retains a value at year end. They usually consist of major items like land, buildings, equipment and vehicles but can include smaller items like tools. (see Depreciation)

Fixtures & Fittings: This is a class of fixed asset which includes office furniture, filing cabinets, display cases, warehouse shelving and the like.

Flash earnings: A news release issued by a company that shows its latest quarterly results.

Flow of Funds: This is a report which shows how a balance sheet has changed from one period to the next.

FOB: An abbreviation of Free On Board. It generally forms part of an export contract where the seller pays all the costs and insurance of sending the goods to the port of shipment. After that, the buyer then takes full responsibility. If the goods are to travel by train, it's called FOR (Free on Rail).

Freight collect: The buyer pays the shipping costs.

GAAP standards set by the American institute of certified public accountants (AICPA)

General purpose financial statements documents containing accounting information which would be expected to be of interest to a wide range of user groups. For a limited liability company there would be: a balance sheet, a profit and loss account, a statement of recognised gains and losses and a cash flow statement.

Going concern basis the assumption that the business will continue operating into the foreseeable future.

Goodwill : on acquisition is the difference between the fair value of the amount paid for an investment in a subsidiary and the fair value of the net assets acquired. It is an amount paid over and above the value of assets and liabilities of the under taking.
Goodwill is the reputation of the business. This reputation is due to excess sales and profit made then normal sales and profit.
Reasons for goodwill are:
  • Good reputation
  • Favorable location
  • Ability and skill of employees
  • Good management.

Goodwill is of two types, these are i) Purchased Goodwill and ii) Developed Goodwill

Gross margin sales minus cost of sales before deducting administration and selling expenses (another name for gross profit). Usually applied when discussing a particular line of activity.

Gross margin ratio gross profit as a percentage of sales.

Gross profit sales minus cost of sales before deducting administration and selling expenses (see also gross margin).

Group economic entity formed by parent and one or more subsidiaries.

Guarantee legal arrangement involving a promise by one person to perform the obligations of a second person to a third person, in the event the second person fails to perform.

Gearing ( leverage): The comparison of a company's long term fixed interest loans compared to its assets. In general two different methods are used: 1. Balance sheet gearing is calculated by dividing long term loans with the equity (or proprietor's net worth). 2. Profit and Loss gearing: Fixed interest payments for the period divided by the profit for the period.
General Ledger: See Nominal Ledger.

Goodwill: This is an extra value placed on a business if the owner of a business decides it is worth more than the value of its assets. It is usually included where the business is to be sold as a going concern.

Gross loss: The balance of the trading account assuming it has a debit balance.

Gross profit: The balance of the trading account assuming it has a credit balance.

Growth and Acquisition (G&A): Describes a way a company can grow. Growth means expanding through its normal operations, Acquisition means growth through buying up other companies.

Hedge a financial term for a specific type of financial instruments trading for risk management.

Holding period the time in which an investor acquires property/asset and the date on which it is sold.

Holder            The payee or endorsee of a Bill of Exchange or Promissory Note who is in possession of it, or the bearer thereof.

Holder in Due Course          A holder who takes a bill, complete and regular on the face of it, under the following conditions:
that he becomes the holder of it before it was overdue, and without notice that it has been previously dishonoured, if such was the case, and;
that he took the bill in good faith and for value, and that at the time the bill was negotiated to him, he had no notice of any defect in the title of the person who negotiated it
Until the contrary is proved, every holder is deemed to be a holder in due course. This applies to all holders except the original payee as it has been held that he cannot be a holder in due course.
The rights of a holder in due course are not affected when the acceptor or other party has been induced to sign the bill by fraud.

House Air Waybill    A transport document issued by an air freight consolidator.

House Bill of Lading            A Bill of Lading issued by a freight forwarder. Often covers a
consignment of parcels from various shippers that has been grouped or consolidated by the forwarder.

Historical Cost: method of valuing assets and liabilities based on their original cost without adjustment for changing prices.Assets, stock, raw materials etc. can be valued at what they originally cost (which is what the term 'historical cost' means), or what they would cost to replace at today's prices (see Price change accounting).

Impersonal Accounts: These are accounts not held in the name of persons (ie. they do not relate directly to a business's customers and suppliers). There are two types, see Real and Nominal.

Imprest System: A method of topping up petty cash. A fixed sum of petty cash is placed in the petty cash box. When the petty cash balance is nearing zero, it is topped up back to its original level again (known as 'restoring the Imprest').

Income: Money received by a business from its commercial activities. See 'Revenue'.
Inland Revenue: The government department usually responsible for collecting your tax.

Insolvent: A company is insolvent if it has insufficient funds (all of its assets) to pay its debts (all of its liabilities). If a company's liabilities are greater than its assets and it continues to trade, it is not only insolvent, but in the UK, is operating illegally (Insolvency act 1986).

IASB international accounting standards board, an independent body that sets accounting standards accepted as a basis for accounting in many countries, including all member states of the european union.

ICC      International Chamber of Commerce, the world business organisation, headquartered in Paris, France.

Indemnity     A form of contract when a person (who thereby becomes primarily liable), undertakes to compensate another for loss he may suffer as a result of a transaction with a third party.

Instrument   A formal legal document in writing e.g. bill of exchange

Ias Indian Accounting Standard, Ind as is issued under the supervision of accounting standards board (ASB), Institute Of Chartered Accountants Of India (ICAI), are named and numbered in line with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

Impairment a reduction in the carrying value of an asset, beyond the expected depreciation, which must be reflected by reducing the amount recorded in the balance sheet.

Income statement financial statement presenting revenues, expenses, and profit. Also called
profit and loss account.

Incorporation, date of. The date on which a company comes into existence.

Indirect method (of operating cash flow) calculates operating cash flow by adjusting operating profit for non-cash items and for changes in working capital.

Insider information information gained by someone inside, or close to, a listed company which could confer a financial advantage if used to buy or sell shares. It is illegal for a person who is in possession of inside information to buy or sell shares on the basis of that information.

Institutional investor an organisation whose business includes regular investment in shares of companies, examples being an insurance company, a pension fund, a charity, an investment trust, a unit trust, a merchant bank.

Intangible without shape or form, cannot be touched.

Interest (on loans) the percentage return on capital required by the lender (usually expressed as a percentage per annum).

Interim reports financial statements issued in the period between annual reports, usually half- yearly or quarterly.

Internal reporting reporting financial information to those users inside a business, at various levels of management, at a level of detail appropriate to the recipient.

Inventory stocks of goods held for manufacture or for resale.

Investing activities the acquisition and disposal of long-term assets and other investments not included in cash equivalents.

Investors persons or organisations which have provided money to a business in exchange for a share of ownership.

Integration Account: See Control Account.

Inventory: A subsidiary ledger which is usually used to record the details of individual items of stock. Inventories can also be used to hold the details of other assets of a business. See Perpetual, Periodic.

Invoice: A term describing an original document either issued by a business for the sale of goods on credit (a sales invoice) or received by the business for goods bought (a purchase invoice).

Journal(s): A book or set of books where your transactions are first entered.

Journal entries: A term used to describe the transactions recorded in a journal.

Journal Proper: A term used to describe the main or general journal where other journals specific to subsidiary ledgers are also used.

Joint and several liabilities (in a partnership) the partnership liabilities are shared jointly but each person is responsible for the whole of the partnership.

Joint Venture When two or more persons or organizations gather CAPITAL to provide a product or service. Often carried out as a PARTNERSHIP.

Journal Any book containing original entries of daily financial transactions.

Journal Entry A notation in the GENERAL JOURNAL. It records a single transaction.

Just-In-Time An overall operating philosophy of INVENTORY management in which all resources, including materials, personnel, and facilities, are used only as needed.

Key performance indicators quantified measures of factors that help to measure the performance of the business effectively.

Landed Costs: The total costs involved when importing goods. They include buying, shipping, insuring and associated taxes.

Ledger: A book in which entries posted from the journals are re-organised into accounts.
Leverage: See Gearing.

Liabilities: This includes bank overdrafts, loans taken out for the business and money owed by the business to its suppliers. Liabilities are included on the right hand side of the balance sheet and normally consist of accounts which have a credit balance.

LIFO: Last In Last Out. A method of valuing stock.

Long term liabilities: These usually refer to long term loans (ie. a loan which lasts for more than one year such as a mortgage).

Loss: See Net loss.

Letter of credit        See Documentary Credit.

Lodgement Instructions    The written instructions from a customer which constitutes the
bank’s authority to act in respect of collection of proceeds on customer’s behalf.

Legal form representing a transaction to reflect its legal status, which might not be the same as its economic form.

Leverage alternative term for gearing, commonly used in the usa.

Leveraged Buy Out Acquisition of a controlling INTEREST in a company in a transaction financed by the issuance of DEBT instruments by the acquired entity.

Liabilities obligations of an entity to transfer economic benefits as a result of past transactions or events.

LIFO ACCOUNTING method of valuing inventory under which the costs of the last goods acquired are the first costs charged to expense.

Limited liability a phrase used to indicate that those having liability in respect of some amount due may be able to invoke some agreed limit on that liability.

Limited liability company company where the liability of the owners is limited to the amount of capital they have agreed to contribute.

Liquidity the extent to which a business has access to cash or items which can readily be exchanged for cash.

Listed company a company whose shares are listed by the stock exchange as being available for buying and selling under the rules and safeguards of the exchange.

Listing requirements rules imposed by the stock exchange on companies whose shares are listed for buying and selling.

Loan covenants agreement made by the company with a lender of long-term finance, protecting the loan by imposing conditions on the company, usually to restrict further borrowing.

Long-term finance, long-term liabilities money lent to a business for a fixed period, giving that business a commitment to pay interest for the period specified and to repay the loan at the end of the period also called non-current liabilities information in the financial statements should show the commercial substance of the situation.

Management collective term for those persons responsible for the day-to-day running of a business.

Management accounting reporting accounting information within a business, for management use only.

Market value (of a share) the price for which a share could be transferred between a willing buyer and a willing seller.

Marking to market valuing a marketable asset at its current market price.

Margin profit, seen as the 'margin' between revenue and expense.

Matching expenses are matched against revenues in the period they are incurred (see also
accruals basis).

Materiality information is material if its omission or misstatement could influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of the financial statements.

Maturity the date on which a liability is due for repayment.

Maturity profile of debt the timing of loan repayments by a company in the future.

Memorandum of Association/Memorandum (for a company) It is the main document of the company. This document represents constitution of that company. It contains i) Name Clause, ii) Objective Clause, iii) State Clause, iv) Capital Clause, v) Liability Clause, and vi) Situation Clause.This document setting out main objects of the company and its powers to act.

Merger two organisations agree to work together in a situation where neither can be regarded as having acquired the other.

Minority interest the ownership interest in a company held by persons other than the parent company and its subsidiary undertakings. Also called a non-controlling interest.

Management accounting: Accounts and reports are tailor made for the use of the managers and directors of a business (in any form they see fit - there are no rules) as opposed to financial accounts which are prepared for the Inland Revenue and any other parties not directly connected with the business. See Cost accounting.

Manufacturing account: An account used to show what it cost to produce the finished goods made by a manufacturing business.

Matching principle: A method of analysing the sales and expenses which make up those sales to a particular period (eg. if a builder sells a house then the builder will tie in all the raw materials and expenses incurred in building and selling the house to one period - usually in order to see how much profit was made).

Maturity value: The (usually projected) value of an intangible asset on the date it becomes due.
MD&A: Management Discussion and Analysis. Usually seen in a financial report. The information disclosed has deen derived from analysis and discussions held by the management (and is presented usually for the benefit of shareholders).
Memo billing (  memo invoicing): Goods ordered and invoiced on approval. There is no obligation to buy.

Memorandum accounts: A name for the accounts held in a subsidiary ledger. Eg. the accounts in a sales ledger.

Minority interest: A minority interest represents a minority of shares not held by the holding company of a subsidiary. It means that the subsidiary is not wholly owned by the holding company. The minority shareholdings are shown in the holding company accounts as long term liabilities.

Moving average: A way of smoothing out (i.e. removing the highs and lows) of a series of figures (usually shown as a graph). If you have, say, 12 months of sales figures and you decide on a moving average period of 3 months, you would add three months together, divide that by three and end up with an average for each month of the three month period. You would then plot that single figure in place of the original monthly points on your graph. A moving average is useful for displaying trends. See Normalize.

Multiple-step income statement (Multi-step): An income statement (Profit and Loss) which has had its revenue section split up into sub-sections in order to give a more detailed view of its sales operations. Example: a company sells services and goods. The statement could show revenue from services and associated costs of those revenues at the start of the revenue section, then show goods sold and cost of goods sold underneath. The two sections totals can then be amalgamted at the end to show overall sales (or gross profit). See Single-step income statement.

Main / Spread          The difference between the buying and selling rates of a foreign
exchange quotation or between the borrowing and lending rates in deposits.

Marine Bill of Lading
(also Ocean Bill of Lading) See Bill of Lading.

Marine Insurance:Insurance covering international transport of goods. Marine
insurance can be provided either in terms of a specific policy or certificate or by open cover under which the insurer covers an indefinite number of future shipments and declares each shipment to the insurer as they are made.
Policy terms can include:
Average – loss or damage

average        loss occurring when extraordinary measures are taken to preserve the safety of the vessel
Particular average – partial loss or damage; loss to an individual cargo interest rather than entire vessel
With Average (WA) or With Particular Average (WPA) – coverage of partial loss provided the claim amounts to at least 3% of the cargo’s insured value
Free of Particular Average (FPA) – coverage does not include partial loss; a very restrictive form of policy

Narrative: A comment appended to an entry in a journal. It can be used to describe the nature of the transaction, and often in particular, where the other side of the entry went to (or came from). Net after making deductions.

Net assets assets minus liabilities (equals ownership interest).

Net book value cost of non-current (fixed) asset minus accumulated depreciation. Net profit sales minus cost of sales minus all administrative and selling costs.

Net realisable value the proceeds of selling an item, less the costs of selling.

Neutral qualitative characteristic of freedom from bias.

Nominal value (of a share) the amount stated on the face of a share certificate as the named value of the share when issued.

Non-controlling interest see minority interest.

Non-current assets any asset that does not meet the definition of a current asset. Also described as fixed assets.

Non-current liabilities any liability that does not meet the definition of a current liability. Also described as long-term liabilities.

Notes to the accounts information in financial statements that gives more detail about items in the financial statements.

Net loss: The value of expenses less sales assuming that the expenses are greater (ie. if the profit and loss account shows a debit balance).

Net of Tax: The price less any tax. Eg. if you sold some goods for $12 inclusive of $2 sales tax, then the 'net of tax' price would be $10

Net profit: The value of sales less expenses assuming that the sales are greater (ie. if the profit and loss account shows a credit balance).

Intrinsic value: Means the potential price of a company’s common stock.

Liquidation: Winding up of the company.

Net Worth: Means the sum of paid up share capital plus reserves plus the preference share capital.

Nominal Accounts: A set of accounts held in the nominal ledger. They are termed 'nominal' because they don't usually relate to an individual person. The accounts which make up a Profit and Loss account are nominal accounts (as is the Profit and Loss account itself), whereas an account opened for a specific customer is usually held in a subsidiary ledger (the sales ledger in this case) and these are referred to as personal accounts.

Nominal Ledger: A ledger which holds all the nominal accounts of a business. Where the business uses a subsidiary ledger like the sales ledger to hold customer details, the nominal ledger will usually include a control account to show the total balance of the subsidiary ledger (a control account can be termed 'nominal' because it doesn't relate to a specific person). Full details

Normalize: This term can be applied to many aspects of accounting. It means to average or smooth out a set of figures so they are more consistent with the general
trend of the business. This is usually done using a Moving average.

Negotiable Instrument      A negotiable instrument is one which, by the custom of trade,
passes from hand to hand by delivery so as to give a bona fide holder for value, a good title to the instrument notwithstanding that the transferor may have had defective title.
The characteristics of negotiable instruments are:
The title of them passes by mere delivery, or where necessary by endorsement followed by delivery
Westpac Banking Corporation ABN 33 007 457 141
Glossary 11 March 2002
No notice of such transfer need be given to the party liable on the instrument
A holder in due course can sue in his own name
A holder in due course does not take the instrument subject to equities and in fact may obtain a better title than the transferor Bills of Exchange, Cheques and Promissory Notes are three kinds of negotiable instruments.

Negotiate a Bill        For these purposes, synonymous to the “discount” of a bill.

Non Business Day   A non-business day means any Saturday or Sunday or any bank
holiday (not being part holiday) and includes in respect of any bank premises every day on which those premises are not opened for business.


Non-Disclosure Agreements

[NCND]          A type of contract sometimes requested by international brokers or middlemen in order to prevent buyers from dealing directly with suppliers.

Notary Public           A public officer whose chief duties are certifying deeds and
documents, noting and protesting Bills of Exchange etc.

Noting            A minute or memorandum made by a Notary Public on a Bill of Exchange which has been dishonoured. The Bills of Exchange Act instructs that noting be done within 48 hours of dishonour.
It consists of his initials, his charges and the date. In the case of a Bill of Exchange drawn and payable outside of Australasia, it is preparatory to a formal protest.

Opening the books: Every time a business closes the books for a year, it opens a new set. The new set of books will be empty, therefore the balances from the last balance sheet must be copied into them (via journal entries) so that the business is ready to start the new year.
Ordinary Share: This is a type of share issued by a limited company. It carries the highest risk but usually attracts the highest rewards. Off-balance-sheet finance an arrangement to keep matching assets and liabilities away from the entity's balance sheet.

Offer for sale a company makes a general offer of its shares to the public.

Operating activities, the principal revenue-producing activities of the entity and other activities that are not investing or financing activities.

Operating and financial review section of the annual report of many companies which explains the main features of the financial statements.

Operating gearing the ratio of fixed operating costs to variable operating costs.

Operating margin operating profit as a percentage of sales.

Operating risk exists where there are factors, such as a high level of fixed operating costs, which would cause profits to fluctuate through changes in operating conditions.

Ordinary shares shares in a company which entitle the holder to a share of the dividend declared and a share in net assets on closing down the business.

Ownership interest the residual amount found by deducting all of the entity's liabilities from all of the entity's assets. (also called equity interest.)
Ocean Bill of Lading            Marine Bill of Lading.

Offered (Selling) Rate        Exchange rate at which dealers are prepared to sell foreign
exchanges in the market and at which potential buyers are therefore able to buy foreign exchanges from those dealers.

Open Account           A method of settling payments for trade transactions. The supplier
ships the required goods to the buyer who, after receiving and checking the related shipping documents, credits the suppliers account in his books with the invoice amount.
The account is then settled periodically, say monthly, by the buyer sending a bank draft, or arranging through his bank a telegraphic remittance in favour of his overseas party.

Outright         The purchase or sale of foreign currency for delivery at any forward date beyond two working days ahead.

Overdue (Bill of Exchange)           A Bill of Exchange is said to be overdue when the time for its
payment has passed, or if it is a bill payable on demand when it appears to have been in circulation for an unreasonable length of time as defined by the Bills of Exchange Act.

Original book of entry: A book which contains the details of the day to day transactions of a business (see Journal).
Overheads: These are the costs involved in running a business. They consist entirely of expense accounts (eg. rent, insurance, petrol, staff wages etc.).
Paid-up Share capital: The value of issued shares which have been paid for. See Called-up Share capital. Par value see nominal value.

Parent company company which controls one or more subsidiaries in a group.

Partnership two or more persons in business together with the aim of making a profit.

Partnership deed a document setting out the agreement of the partners on how the partnership is to be conducted (including the arrangements for sharing profits and losses).

Partnership law legislation which governs the conduct of a partnership and which should be used where no partnership deed has been written.

Portfolio (of investment) a collection of investments.

Portfolio of shares a collection of shares held by an investor.

Preference shares shares in a company which give the holder a preference (although not an automatic right) to receive a dividend before any ordinary share dividend is declared.

Preliminary announcement the first announcement by a listed company of its profit for the most recent accounting period. Precedes the publication of the full annual report. The announcement is made to the entire stock market so that all investors receive information at the same time.

Premium an amount paid in addition, or extra.

Prepayment an amount paid for in advance for an benefit to the business, such as insurance premiums or rent in advance. Initially recognised as an asset, then transferred to expense in the period when the benefit is enjoyed. (also called a prepaid expense.)

Price–earnings ratio market price of a share divided by earnings per share.

Price-sensitive information information which, if known to the market, would affect the price of a share.

Primary financial statements the balance sheet, profit and loss account, statement of total recognised gains and losses and cash flow statement.

Principal (sum) the agreed amount of a loan, on which interest will be charged during the period of the loan.

Private limited company (ltd) a company which has limited liability but is not permitted to offer its shares to the public.

Production overhead costs costs of production that are spread across all output, rather than being identified with specific goods or services.

Profit calculated as revenue minus expenses.

Profit and loss account financial statement presenting revenues, expenses, and profit. Also called income statement.

Prospectus financial statements and supporting detailed descriptions published when a company is offering shares for sale to the public.

Provision a liability of uncertain timing or amount.

Provision for doubtful debts an estimate of the risk of not collecting full payment from credit customers, reported as a deduction from trade receivables (debtors) in the balance sheet.

Prudence a degree of caution in the exercise of the judgements needed in making the estimates required under conditions of uncertainty, such that gains and assets are not overstated and losses and liabilities are not understated.

Public limited company (plc) a company which has limited liability and offers its shares to the public.

Purchase method method of producing consolidated financial statements (see acquisition method).

Purchases total of goods and services bought in a period.

P.A.Y.E (UK only): 'Pay as you earn'. The name given to the income tax system where an employee's tax and national insurance contributions are deducted before the wages are paid.
Pareto optimum: An economic theory by Vilfredo Pareto. It states that the optimum allocation of a society's resources will not happen whilst at least one person thinks he is better off and where others perceive themselves to be no worse.

Pay on delivery: The buyer pays the cost of the goods (to the carrier) on receipt of them.
Periodic inventory: A Periodic Inventory is one whose balance is updated on a periodic basis, ie. every week/month/year. See Inventory.

PE ratio: An equation which gives you a very rough estimate as to how much confidence there is in a company's shares (the higher it is the more confidence). The equation is: current share price multiplied by earnings and divided by the number of shares. 'Earnings' means the last published net profit of the company.

Perpetual inventory: A Perpetual Inventory is one whose balance is updated after each and every transaction. See Inventory.

Personal Accounts: These are the accounts of a business's customers and suppliers. They are usually held in the Sales and Purchase Ledgers.

Petty Cash: A small amount of money held in reserve (normally used to purchase items of small value where a cheque or other form of payment is not suitable).

Petty Cash Slip: A document used to record petty cash payments where an original receipt was not obtained (sometimes called a petty cash voucher).

Point of Sale (POS): The place where a sale of goods takes place, eg. a shop counter.
Post Closing Trial Balance: This is a trial balance prepared after the balance sheet has been drawn up, and only includes balance sheet accounts.

Posting: The copying of entries from the journals to the ledgers.

Preference Shares: This is a type of share issued by a limited company. It carries a medium risk but has the advantage over ordinary shares in that preference shareholders get the first slice of the dividend 'pie' (but usually at a fixed rate).

Pre-payments: One or more accounts set up to account for money paid in advance (eg. insurance, where part of the premium applies to the current financial year, and the remainder to the following year).

Price change accounting: Accounting for the value of assets, stock, raw materials etc. by their current market value instead of the more traditional Historic Cost.

Prime book of entry: See Original book of entry.

Profit: See Gross profit, Net profit, and Profit and Loss Account.

Profit and Loss Account: An account made up of revenue and expense accounts which shows the current profit or loss of a business (ie. whether a business has earned more than it has spent in the current year).

Profit margin: The percentage difference between the costs of a product and the price you sell it for. Eg. if a product costs you $10 to buy and you sell it for $20, then you have a 100% profit margin. This is also known as your 'mark-up'.

Pro-forma accounts (pro-forma financial statements): A set of accounts prepared before the accounts have been officially audited. Often done for internal purposes or to brief shareholders or the press.

Pro-forma invoice: An invoice sent that requires payment before any goods or services have been despatched.

Provisions: One or more accounts set up to account for expected future payments (eg. where a business is expecting a bill, but hasn't yet received it).
Purchase Consideration: Consideration paid by the transferor company to the shareholders of Transferee Company. Purchase consideration means the purchase price agreed upon, which is paid by the purchasing company in order to pay to the Vendor Company.

Purchase Invoice: See Invoice.

Purchase Ledger: A subsidiary ledger which holds the accounts of a business's suppliers. A single control account is held in the nominal ledger which shows the total balance of all the accounts in the purchase ledger.
Par      Is the term applied when the forward price of the purchase or sale of foreign currency is the same as the spot price.

Performance Bond /Guarantee   A safeguard against the party to whom the commercial contract is awarded failing to meet an obligation under such a contract, which, by its nature, normally requires a period of time for completion.

Point / Pip     The last decimal place of an exchange rate quotation.

Post-shipment Finance      Finance required for the period of time after goods have been
shipped before payment is received by the exporter.

Prepayment Paying for goods at the time the order is placed and prior to receipt of the goods.
When prepaying, the importer carries all the risk. They are placing implicit faith in the supplier to fulfil the terms of the contract.

Pre-shipment Finance        Financing of goods whilst in the manufacturing/collation stage.
Presentation            The act of presenting a Bill of Exchange for acceptance and payment.

Presenting Bank      The collecting bank making presentation (of the collection) to the

Principal        The party (exporter) entrusting the handling of a collection to a bank.

Pro Forma Invoice  A sample invoice provided by an exporter prior to a sale or
shipment of merchandise, informing the buyer of the price, description and quantities of goods offered.

Promissory Note     An unconditional order in writing, made by one person to another,
signed by the maker engaging to pay on demand, or at a fixed or determinable future time, a sum certain in money to or to the order of a specified person or to bearer.

Protest          A solemn declaration by a Notary Public stating that he has demanded acceptance or payment of a bill of exchange and that it has been refused with the reasons, if any, given by the drawee or acceptor for the dishonour. The object of a protest is to give satisfactory evidence of the dishonour to the drawer or other antecedent party.

Qualified Acceptance          Is one which in express terms varies the effect of the bill of
exchange as drawn, and may be:

  1. Conditional: one which makes payment by the acceptor dependent on the fulfilment of a condition

  1. Partial: an acceptance to pay part of the amount only for which the bill is drawn

  1. Local: an acceptance to pay only at a particular or specified place

  1. Qualified as to Time: a bill drawn for two months accepted payable in three months

Acceptance by Some Drawees Only: the holder may refuse to take a qualified acceptance and if they do not obtain an unqualified acceptance, they may treat the bill as dishonoured

Qualified audit opinion an audit opinion to the effect that: the accounts do not show a true and fair view; or the accounts show a true and fair view except for particular matters.

Quality of earnings opinion of investors on reliability of earnings (profit) as a basis for their forecasts.
Realised profit, realisation a profit arising from revenue which has been earned by the entity and for which there is a reasonable prospect of cash being collected in the near future.

Recognised an item is recognised when it is included by means of words and amount within the main financial statements of an entity.

Registrar of companies an official authorised by the government to maintain a record of all annual reports and other documents issued by a company.

Relevance qualitative characteristic of influencing the economic decisions of users.

Reliability qualitative characteristic of being free from material error and bias, representing faithfully.

Replacement cost a measure of current value which estimates the cost of replacing an asset or liability at the date of the balance sheet. Justified by reference to value to the business.

Reserves the claim which owners have on the assets of a company because the company has created new wealth for them over the period since it began.

Residual value the estimated amount that an entity would currently obtain from disposal of the asset, after deducting the estimated cost of disposal, if the asset were already of the age and in the condition expected at the end of its useful life.

Retained earnings accumulated past profits, not distributed in dividends, available to finance investment in assets.

Retained profit profit of the period remaining after dividend has been deducted.

Return the yield or reward from an investment.

Revaluation reserve the claim which owners have on the assets of the business because the balance sheet records a market value for an asset that is greater than its historical cost.

Revenue created by a transaction or event arising during the ordinary activities of the business which causes an increase in the ownership interest.

Rights issue a company gives its existing shareholders the right to buy more shares in proportion to those already held.

Risk (in relation to investment) factors that may cause the profit or cash flows of the business to fluctuate.

Raw Materials: This refers to the materials bought by a manufacturing business in order to manufacture its products.

Real accounts: These are accounts which deal with money such as bank and cash accounts. They also include those dealing with property and investments. In the case of bank and cash accounts they can be held in the nominal ledger, or balanced in a journal (eg. the cash book) where they can then be looked upon as a part of the nominal ledger when compiling a balance sheet. Property and investments can be held in subsidiary ledgers (with associated control accounts if necessary) or directly in the nominal ledger itself.

Realisation principle: The principle whereby the value of an asset can only be determined when it is sold or otherwise disposed of, ie. its 'real' (or realised) value.

Rebate: If you pay for a service, then cancel it, you may receive a 'rebate'. That is, you may be refunded some of the money you paid for the service. (eg. if you cancel a 1 year insurance policy after 3 months, you may get a rebate for the remaining 9 months)

Receipt: A term typically used to describe confirmation of a payment - if you buy some petrol you will normally ask for a receipt to prove that the money was spent legitimately.

Reconciling: The procedure of checking entries made in a business's books with those on a statement sent by a third person (eg. checking a bank statement against your own records).
Refund: If you return some goods you have just bought (for whatever reason), the company you bought them from may give you your money back. This is called a 'refund'.

Reserve accounts: Reserve accounts are usually set up to make a balance sheet clearer by reserving or apportioning some of a business's capital against future purchases or liabilities (such as the replacement of capital equipment or estimates of bad debts).
A typical example is a company where they are used to hold the residue of any profit after all the dividends have been paid. This balance is then carried forward to the following year to be considered, together with the profits for that year, for any further dividends.

Retail: A term usually applied to a shop which re-sells other people's goods. This type of business will require a trading account as well as a profit and loss account.
Retained earnings: This is the amount of money held in a business after its owner(s) have taken their share of the profits.

Retainer: A sum of money paid in order to ensure a person or company is available when required.

Retention ratio: The proportion of the profits retained in a business after all the expenses (usually including tax and interest) are taken into account. The algorithm is retained profits divided by profits available for ordinary shareholders (or available for the proprietor/partners in the case of unincorporated companies).

Revenue: The sales and any other taxable income of a business (eg. interest earned from money on deposit).

Run Rate: A forecast for the year based on the current year to date figures. If a company's 1st quarter profits were, say, $25m, they may announce that the run rate for the year is $100m.

Rebate           An interest adjustment used when retiring a Bill of Exchange before it is due.

Recourse       The right of a holder of a Bill of Exchange to demand payment from a person rather than the acceptor. Bills may be endorsed “without recourse” in which case the endorser does not become liable to any holder.

Red Clause Credit    documentary credit provision, which allows the beneficiary
(seller), to draw partial advance payments under the credit. This provision had historically been written/typed in red ink, hence the “red clause”.

Remittance – Documents Against Acceptance

[Rem D/A]    An advance facility similar to Rem D/P except that the bill of exchange allows for term payment and accompanying documents may be released on acceptance of the bill .
Remittance – Documents Against Payment

[Rem D/P]    An advance facility which provides for negotiation or purchases of bills of exchange (sight) drawn outside documentary credits and where accompanying documents are to be released on payment of the bill overseas .

Remitting Bank        Under documentary collections the bank to which the principal
(exporter) has entrusted the handling of a collection.

Retention of Title Clause    A contract clause whereby a seller declares his intention to retain
title or ownership over the contract goods until payment by the buyer is completed.

Retire (a Bill of Exchange)            To pay, or take up before maturity, usually under rebate and thus
withdraw (or retire) a bill from circulation.
If a bill is retired by the acceptor, the bill is discharged in the same way as upon payment at maturity.

Revaluation   An upward change in the official parity of an exchange rate from that which it was previously set.

Revolving Credit       A documentary credit which, after notice of drawing against it is
received by the issuing bank, the balance available for drawing again reverts back or “revolves” to its original amount, providing the credit has not expired in the meantime.

Rollover         The extension of a maturing foreign exchange transaction or the extension of a maturing currency deposit/loan.

Sales: Income received from selling goods or a service. See Revenue.

Sales Invoice: See Invoice definition.

Sales Ledger: A subsidiary ledger which holds the accounts of a business's customers. A control account is held in the nominal ledger (usually called a debtors' control account) which shows the total balance of all the accounts in the sales ledger.
Sales see revenue, turnover.

Sales invoice document sent to customers recording a sale on credit and requesting payment.

Secured loan loan where the lender has taken a special claim on particular assets or revenues of the company.

Share capital name given to the total amount of cash which the shareholders have contributed to the company.

Share certificate a document providing evidence of share ownership.

Share premium the claim which owners have on the assets of a company because shares have been purchased from the company at a price greater than the nominal value.

Shareholders owners of a limited liability company.

Shareholders' funds name given to total of share capital and reserves in a company balance sheet.

Shares the amount of share capital held by any shareholder is measured in terms of a number of shares in the total capital of the company.

Short-term finance money lent to a business for a short period of time, usually repayable on demand and also repayable at the choice of the business if surplus to requirements.

Sole trader an individual owning and operating a business alone.

Stakeholders a general term devised to indicate all those who might have a legitimate interest in receiving financial information about a business because they have a 'stake' in it.

Statement of recognised income and expense a financial statement reporting realised and unrealised income and expense as part of a statement of changes in equity under the iasb system.

Stewardship taking care of resources owned by another person and using those resources to the benefit of that person.

Stock a word with two different meanings. It may be used to describe an inventory of goods held for resale or for use in business. It may also be used to describe shares in the ownership of a company. The meaning will usually be obvious from the way in which the word is used.

Stock exchange (also called stock market.) Stock Exchange is the place, where stocks, shares and other securities of the listed companies bought and sold. Stock exchange An organisation which has the authority to set rules for persons buying and selling shares. The term 'stock' is used loosely with a meaning similar to that of 'shares'.

Stock market see stock exchange.

Subsidiary company company in a group which is controlled by another (the parent company). Sometimes called subsidiary undertaking.

Suppliers' payment period average number of days credit taken from suppliers.

Sea Waybill   Transport document for marine shipments serving as evidence of contract of carriage and as a receipt for the goods. It is not a document of title.

Shading                      A request to narrow, or close up, the spread or margin between foreign currency buying and selling rates of exchange.

Shipper          The party (exporter or importer) who enters into a contract of carriage for the international transport of goods.

Shipping Documents           Documents often attached to bills of exchange payable overseas.
The basic documents usually consist of:
Insurance policy
Bill of Lading/Sea Waybill/Air Waybill/Air Consignment note Others may include:
Certificate of origin
Certificate of quality
Veterinary certificate
Consular invoice

e iWght certificate
Inspection certificate
Packing list

Sight Bill        A Bill of Exchange payable at sight is treated as being payable by the drawee on presentation or on demand.

Smart Forward Contracts  A Smart Forward Contract enables both importers and exporters
to protect themselves against adverse movements in exchange rates, while providing some potential for them to benefit from favourable movements in exchange rates. – see Westpac Banking Corporation.

Sola Draft      A single Bill of Exchange as distinguished from one in a set, the latter being marked as “First of Exchange” and the former “Sola of Exchange”.

Spot Exchange         Foreign exchange bought and sold for immediate delivery. In
practice, almost invariably for delivery two business days after the conclusion of the deal.

Standby Letter of Credit    A form of guarantee such as a demand guarantee. Used as
security for a contingent event i.e. an importer failing to honour the exporter’s invoices under open account – the importer claims against the standby letter of credit.

Swap  An agreement where one party provides foreign currency or local currency to another in a spot transaction while at the same time entering into a contract to repurchase the currency at some future time.

SWIFT            Society for Worldwide Inter-bank Financial Telecommunications – organisation providing international electronic funds transfer and messaging system used by most major banks.

Self Assessment (UK only): A new style of income tax return introduced for the 1996/1997 tax year. If you are self-employed, or receive an income which is un-taxed at source, you will need to register with the Inland Revenue so that the relevant self assessment forms can be sent to you. The idea of self assessment is to allow you to calculate your own income tax.
Self-balancing ledgers: A system which makes use of control accounts so that each ledger will balance on its own. A control account in a subsidiary ledger will be mirrored with a control account in the nominal ledger.
Self-employed: The owner (or partner) of a business who is legally liable for all the debts of the business (ie. the owner(s) of a non-limited company).
Selling, General & Administrative expense (SG&A): The expenses involved in running   a business.

Service: A term usually applied to a business which sells a service rather than manufactures or sells goods (eg. an architect or a window cleaner).

Shareholders: The owners of a limited company or corporation.
Share premium: The extra paid above the face value of a share. Example: if a company issues its shares at $10 each, and later on you buy 1 share on the open market at $12, you will be paying a share premium of $2

Shares: These are documents issued by a company to its owners (the shareholders) which state how many shares in the company each shareholder has bought and what percentage of the company the shareholder owns. Shares can also be called 'Stock'.
Shares issued (  Shares outstanding): The number of shares a company has issued to shareholders.

Simple interest: Interest applied to the original sum invested (as opposed to compound interest). Eg. 1000 invested over two years at 10% per year simple interest will yield a gross total of 1200 at the end of the period (10% of 1000=100 per year).
Single-step income statement: An income statement where all the revenues are shown as a single total rather than being split up into different types of revenue (this is the most common format for very small businesses). See Profit and Loss, Multiple-step income statement.

Sinking fund: An account set up to reduce another account to zero over time (using the principles of amortization or straight line depreciation). Once the sinking fund reaches the same value as the other account, both can be removed from the balance sheet.

SME: Small and Medium Enterprises (ie. small and medium size businesses): The distinction between what is 'small' and what is 'medium' varies depending on where you are and who you talk to.

Sole trader: See Sole-proprietor.

Sole-proprietor: The self-employed owner of a business (see Self-employed).

Source document: An original invoice, bill or receipt to which journal entries refer.

Stock: This can refer to the shares of a limited company (see Shares) or goods manufactured or bought for re-sale by a business.

Stock control account: An account held in the nominal ledger which holds the value of all the stock held in the inventory subsidiary ledger.

Stockholders: See Shareholders.

Stock Taking: Physically checking a business's stock for total quantities and value.

Stock valuation: Valuing a stock of goods bought for manufacturing or re-sale.

Straight-line depreciation: Depreciating something by the same (ie. fixed) amount every year rather than as a percentage of its previous value. Example: a vehicle initially costs $10,000. If you depreciate it at a rate of $2000 a year, it will depreciate to zero in exactly 5 years. See Depreciation.

Subordinated debt: If a company is liquidated (i.e. becomes insolvent), the secured creditors are paid first. If any money is left, the unsecured creditors are then paid. The amount of money owed to the unsecured creditors is termed the 'subordinated debt' of the company.

Subsidiary ledgers: Ledgers opened in addition to a business's nominal ledger. They are used to keep sections of a business separate from each other (eg. a Sales ledger for the customers, and a Purchase ledger for the suppliers). (See Control Accounts)

Suspense Account: A temporary account used to force a trial balance to balance if there is only a small discrepancy (or if an account's balance is simply wrong, and you don't know why). A typical example would be a small error in petty cash. In this case a transfer would be made to a suspense account to balance the cash account. Once the person knows what happened to the money, a transfer entry will be made in the journal to credit or debit the suspense account back to zero and debit or credit the correct account.
Sweat Equity Shares: means equity shares issued by the company to employees, directors. Such issue should be authorized by a special resolution passed by the company in general meeting.

T Account: A particular method of displaying an account where the debits and associated information are shown on the left, and credits and associated information on the right.

Tangible assets: Assets of a physical nature. Examples include buildings, motor vehicles, plant and equipment, fixtures and fittings. See Intangible assets.
Three column cash book: A journal which deals with the day to day cash and bank transactions of a business. The side of a transaction which relates directly to the cash or bank account is usually balanced within the journal and used as a part of the nominal ledger when compiling a balance sheet (ie. only the side which details the sale or purchase needs to be posted to the nominal ledger).

Total assets usage sales divided by total assets.

Trade creditors persons who supply goods or services to a business in the normal course of trade and allow a period of credit before payment must be made.

Trade debtors persons who buy goods or services from a business in the normal course of trade and are allowed a period of credit before payment is due.

Trade payables amounts due to suppliers (trade creditors), also called accounts payable.

Trade receivables amounts due from customers (trade debtors), also called accounts receivable.

Turnover the sales of a business or other form of revenue from operations of the business.

Tender Bond / Guarantee A guarantee provided by a company responding to an
international invitation to submit bids or tenders. The tender bond is required to discourage frivolous bids and ensures that the winning bidder will execute the contract.

Tenor (of a Bill of Exchange) The period for which a bill is drawn e.g. sight, 30 days after date etc.

Through Bill of Lading         A Bill of Lading issued to cover transport by at least two
successive modes of transport -

Trade Finance          The term “Trade Finance” may simply be described as finance for
working capital. The main distinguishing feature about trade finance is that it relates to the movement, purchase and/or sale of goods, services and “know-how” and it applies to international trade, therefore, foreign currencies and exchange risks can be involved – see Westpac Banking Corporation.

Transferable Credit            A documentary credit under which the bank called upon to effect payment or acceptance, or to any bank entitled to effect negotiation, makes the credit available in whole or in part to one or more third parties (second beneficiaries).

Total Cost of Ownership (TCO): The real amount an asset will cost. Example: An accounting application retails at $1000. Support - which is mandatory, costs a further $200 per annum. Assuming the software will be in use for 5 years, TCO will be $2000 (1000+5x200=2000).
Trading account: An account which shows the gross profit of a manufacturing or retail business.
Transaction: Two or more entries made in a journal which when looked at together reflect an original document such as a sales invoice or purchase receipt.
Trial Balance: A statement showing all the accounts used in a business and their balances.

Turnover: The income of a business over a period of time (usually a year).

Undeposited Funds Account: An account used to show the current total of money received (ie. not yet banked or spent). The 'funds' can include money, cheques, credit card payments, bankers drafts etc. This type of account is also commonly referred to as a 'cash in hand' account.
Unlisted (company) limited liability company whose shares are not listed on any stock exchange.
Limited Liability: Liability is limited to the face value of the share.

Unrealised gains and losses representing changes in values of assets and liabilities that are notrealised through sale or use.

Unsecured creditors those who have no claim against particular assets when a company is wound up, but must take their turn for any share of what remains.

Unsecured loan loan in respect of which the lender has taken no special claim against any assets.

Value to the business an idea used in deciding on a measure of current value.

Valuation The process of determining the PRESENT VALUE of a BOND based on the current MARKET INTEREST RATE.

Variance the difference between a planned, budgeted or standard cost and the actual cost incurred. An adverse variance arises when the actual cost is greater than the standard cost. A favourable variance arises when the actual cost is less than the standard cost.

Vendor Supplier of goods or services of a commercial nature; may be a manufacturer, importer, or wholesale distributor.

Venture Capital Investment company whose primary objective is capital growth. New ASSETS invested largely in companies that are developing new ideas, products, or processes.

Voidable CONTRACT that can be annulled by either party after it is signed because FRAUD, incompetence, or another illegality exists or because a right of rescission applies.

Volume Total number of stock shares, bonds, or COMMODITIES futures contracts traded in a particular period.

Value Added Tax (VAT - applies to many countries): Value Added Tax, or VAT as it is usually called is a sales tax which increases the price of goods. At the time of writing the UK VAT standard rate is 17.5%, there is also a rate for fuel which is 5% (this refers to heating fuels like coal, electricity and gas and not 'road fuels' like petrol which is still rated at 17.5%).
VAT is added to the price of goods so in the UK, an item that sells at £10 will be priced £11.75 when 17.5% VAT is added.

Wages: Payment for services of employees at an hourly rate/daily rate. Payments made to the employees of a business for their work on behalf of the business. These are classed as expense items and must not be confused with 'drawings' taken by sole-proprietors and partnerships (see Drawings).

Warrant Option to purchase additional SECURITIES from the issuer.

Weighted-Average-Cost Method An AVERAGE-COST METHOD procedure for determining the cost of ENDING INVENTORY under the PERIODIC INVENTORY SYSTEM

Wholesale The sale of goods in large quantities, especially to a person or COMPANY that plans to sell them at retail.

Working capital finance provided to support the short-term assets of the business (stocks and debtors) to the extent that these are not financed by short-term creditors. It is calculated as current assets minus current liabilities.

Working capital cycle total of stock holding period plus customer’s collection period minus suppliers payment period.

Work-in-progress cost of partly completed goods or services, intended for completion and recorded as an asset.

Written down value see net book value.

Write Off Charging an ASSET ACCOUNT to EXPENSE or LOSS.

Warehouse to Warehouse            Insurance coverage of international cargo from exporter’s warehouse to importer’s warehouse.

Waybill           A non-negotiable transport document, issued for either ocean transport (sea waybill) or air transport (air waybill).

Without Recourse   The purchase and discounting of trade documentation issued by
an exporter under, and in full compliance with the terms of a documentary credit with the negotiating bank’s sole recourse to the documentary credit issuer.
World Wide Web
(www: the Web)     Internet sub-set which hosts “home pages” of commercial,
individual, academic and government departments.

Work in Progress: The value of partly finished (ie. partly manufactured) goods.
Write-off: Depreciating an asset to zero in one go.
X no entries
Yield Return on an INVESTMENT an investor receives from DIVIDENDS or INTEREST expressed as a percentage of the cost of the SECURITY.

Yield Curve Graph showing the TERM structure of interest rates by plotting the yields of all bonds of the same quality with maturities ranging from the shortest to the longest available.

Yield to Call YIELD on a BOND assuming the bond will be redeemed by the ISSUER at the first call date specified in the INDENTURE agreement.

Yield to Maturity Rate of return on a SECURITY to its maturity, giving effect to the stated interest rate, accrual of discount, or AMORTIZATION of PREMIUM.

Yield Interest Rate The actual rate of interest expressed as a rate percentage per annum relating to the net proceeds or outlay. This method of quoting is preferred in the market.

Zero Based Account (ZBA): Usually applied to a personal account (checking) where the balance is kept as close to zero as possible by transferring money between that account and, say, a deposit account.

Zero Based Budget (ZBB): Starting a budget at zero and justifying every cost that increases that budget.

Zero-Coupon Bond BOND on which the holder receives only one payment at maturity which includes both PRINCIPAL and INTEREST from issuance to maturity.

Thank you

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