Tuesday, May 5, 2020


1.          Profit from sale of assets is example for                                             (B)
a)        Revenue Profit
b)      Capital Profit
c)        Loss
d)       None of these
2.          Depreciation is a charge against –                                                         (A)
a)      Profit

b)       Assets
c)        Company
d)       Books of A/c
3.        Which expenses is a Capital Nature?                                                     (A)
a)      Depreciation

b)       Wages
c)        Salary
d)       Stationary
4.          Balance Sheet is a statement of…………….                                       (D)
a)        Assets
b)       Liabilities
c)        Capital
d)      All of these

5.        Accounting is the process of matching……..                                        (B)
a)        Benefits & Costs
b)      Revenues & Costs
c)        Cash Inflow & Cash Outflow
d)       Potential & Real Performance

6.        Which one of the following is not an example of Intangible Assets?    (D)
a)        Patents
b)       Trade Marks
c)        Copyright
d)      Land

7.        The prime function of accounting is to                                                  (C)
a)        To record economic data
b)       Provide the information basis of action
c)       Classifying and recording business transaction
d)       Attainment of economic goal

8.Bad debt amount should be credited to                                                                             (a)
a)      Debtors account
b)      Bad debts account
c)      Sales account
d)      Creditors account

9.Identify which is wrong rule                                                                                     (B)
a)      Nominal account- debit all expenses & losses
b)      Real account- credit what comes in
c)      Nominal account- credit all incomes & gains
d)      Personal account- debit the receiver

10. Return of goods by a customer should be debited to                                          (B)
a)      Customers account
b)      Sales return account
c)      Goods account
d)      Purchase account
11.Sales made to Mahesh for cash should be debited to                                  (a)
a)      Cash account
b)      Mahesh Account
c)      Sales account
d)     Purchase account

12.Rent paid to landlord should be credited to                                          (C)
a)      Landlords account
b)      Rent account
c)      Cash account
d)      Expense account

13.Cash discount allowed to a debtor should be credited to                      (b)
a)      Discount account
b)      Customer’s account
c)      Sales account
d)      Cash account
14.Which of the following is a Real A/c?                                                                           (a)
a) Building A/c b) Capital A/c c) Shyam A/c d) Rent A/c

15. Which of the following is not a nominal Account?                                        (A)
A] Outstanding salaries Account                 B] Salaries account C] Interest paid            D] Commission received
16. Mr. X is a dealer in electronic goods (refrigerator, washing machine, air conditioners, televisions, etc.) He purchased two air conditioners and installed in his showroom. In the books of X the cost two air conditioners will be debited to                               (C)
A] Drawing account              B] Capital Account C] Fixed assets  D] Purchases account
17. A trader calculated his profit as Rs.150000 on 31/03/2014. It is an                      (B)
 A] Transaction          B] Event
C] Transaction as well as event       D] Neither transaction nor event
18. For every debit there will be an equal credit according to                            (D)
 A] Matching concept           B] cost concept                                 
C] Money measurement concept   D] Dual aspect concept
19. Historical cost concept requires the valuation of an asset at                       (A)                  
A] Original cost          B] Replacement val ue
C] Net realizable value          D] Market value
20. The comparison of financial statement of one year with that of another is possible only when-----            concept is followed                                                               (C)
A] Going concern      B] Accrual
C] Consistency           D] Materiality
21. Profit and loss is calculated at the stage of                                                    (d)
A] Recording  B] Posting
C] Classifying D] Summarising

22. Which of the following is not the main objective of accounting?                (d)
 A] Systematic recording of transactions   B] Ascertaining profit or loss
C] Ascertainment of financial position D] Solving tax disputes with tax authorities
23. An asset was purchased for Rs.1000000 with the down payment of Rs.200000 and bills accepted for Rs.800000/ -. What would be the effect on the total asset and total liabilities in the balance sheet?                                                         (D)
A] Assets increased by Rs.800000 and liabilities decreased by Rs.800000 B] Assets decreased by Rs.800000 and liabilities increased by Rs.800000 C] Assets increased by Rs.1000000 and liabilities increased by Rs.800000 D] Assets increased by Rs.800000 and liabilities in creased by Rs.800000
24. The rule debit all expenses and losses and credit all income and gains relates to (c)
A] Personal account  B] Real account          C] Nominal accounts  D] All
25. Matching concept means                                              (D)
A] Assets = capital + liabilities         B] Transactions recorded at accrual concept
C] Anticipate no profit but recognize all losses
D] Expenses should be matched with the revenue of the period.
26.Financial accounting is concerned with                                               (c)                               
a)      Recording of business expenses and revenue
b)      Recording of costs of products and services
c)      Recording of day to day business transactions
d)      None of the above

27.The nature of financial accounting is:                                                    (a)
a)      Historical
b)      Forward looking
c)      Analytical
d)     Social
   28. The system of recording based on dual aspect concept is called:                    (B)
a)        Double account system

b)      Double entry system

c)        Single entry system
d)       All the above

29.The practice of appending notes regarding contingent liabilities in accounting statements is in pursuance to:                                                         (d)
a)           Convention of consistency
b)          Money measurement concept
c)           Convention of conservatism

d)         Convention of disclosure

30. Sales are equal to:                                                         (a)

a.      Cost of goods sold + gross profit

b.      Cost of goods sold - gross profit
c.       Gross profit- Cost of goods sold
d.      None of the above

31.Interest on drawings is:                                                  (c)
a)      Expenditure for the business
b)      Cost for the business
c)      Gain for the business
d)      None of the above

32. Goods given as samples should be credited to:               (c)
a.       Advertisement account
b.      Sales account

c.       Purchase account

d.      None of the above

33.Outstanding salaries are shown as:                                               (C)                                          
a.       Added to Salaries while preparing P & La/c
b.      Shown in liability side of Balance sheet under current Liability

c.       (a) &(b) above

d.      None of the above
34.Income tax paid by a sole proprietor on his business income should be:                   (C)
a.       Debited to trading account
b.      Debited to profit and loss account

c.       Deducted from capital account in the balance sheet

d.      None of the above

35.All direct & indirect expenses related to business are charged:                      (C)
a.       Profit and loss account
b.      Trading account

c.       Trading account Profit and Loss account

d.      Directly to Balance sheet

36.Creating provision against fluctuation in the price of investment is application of accounting concept                                                                                (A)

a)   Convention of conservatism

b)    Convention of full disclosure
c)     Convention of consistency
d)    None of these
37.Accountant should follow the same principles of accounting continuously is as per which accounting convention                                                                 (C)
e)     Convention of conservatism
f)     Convention of full disclosure

g)   Convention of consistency

h)    None of these
38. Accounting principles are …………………………. which are adopted by the accountant universally while recording accounting transaction.                             (A)

a)              Rules of action or conduct

b)             Which u can change as per accountant
c)               Which keep changing every year
d)             None of these
39.The convention of disclosure implies that all material information should be  (A)

a)                        Disclosed in the account

b)                         Disclosed in the accounts which is required to owner
c)                          Not disclosed
d)                         None of these
40.In accounting all business transaction are recorded as having                          (b)                   
a)     Single aspect
b)    Dual aspect
c)     Triple aspect
d)    None of these
41.Custom and traditions which guide the accountant while preparing the accounting statements                                                                               (c)
a)        Accounting convention
b)       Accounting concepts
c)        Accounting principles
d)       None of these
42.Rules of action or conduct adopted by the accountants universally while recording accounting transaction                                                            (c)
a)        Accounting convention
b)       Accounting concepts

c)       Accounting principles

d)       None of these
43.Basic assumptions or conditions upon which the science of accounting is based. (b)
a)        Accounting convention

b)      Accounting concepts

c)        Accounting principles
d)       None of these.
44.A system in which accounting entries are made on the basis of amounts having become due for payment or receipt is called                                                         (b)
a)        Cash concept

b)      Accrual concept

c)        Matching concept
d)       On-going concept
45.Debit the receiver credit the giver rule for                                 (c)
a.       Real a/c

b.      Personal a/c

c.       Nominal a/c
d.      None of these
46.Outstanding salary account is a                                  account                            (d)
a.       Nominal account
b.      Real Account
c.       Artificial person’s account
d.      Representative personal account

47.   is a summary of all transactions relating to particular account.         (c)       
a.       Balance sheet
b.      Trial Balance
c.       Ledger
d.      Journal
48. The transferring of debit and credit items from journal to the respective accounts in the ledger is called as Ledger             (A)                              

a)              Posting

b)                Forward
c)                  journal
d)                None of these

49. A book containing a chronological record of business transaction & original record(A)
a.       Journal
b.      Ledger
c.       Trial balance
d.      None of these
50.Transferring the debit and credit item from the journal to the respective accounts is called(B)
a.       Compound Journal
b.      Ledger
c.       Trial balance
d.      None of these

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