Tuesday, May 5, 2020


Managerial accounting information is generally prepared for ……      ANS:C

a)      Shareholders
b)      Creditors
c)      Managers
d)      Regulatory agencies

2.  Which of the following is an internal user of management information? ANS:B
a)      Creditor
b)      Department manager
c)      Controller
d)     Treasurer

3.  Management accounting is applicable to- ANS:D

a)      Service entities
b)      Manufacturing entities
c)      Non profit entities
d)      All of these

4.  The work of factory employees that can be physically associated with converting raw material into finished goods is classified as-                        ANS:D
a)      Manufacturing overhead
b)      Indirect materials
c)      Indirect labour
d)      Direct labour

5.  Management accounting concentrates on                                     ANS:C
a)      Opening books of account b)Preparation of financial statements c)Control of business activities     d)None of these

6.   Which type of asset class includes those assets which have only definite use and become valueless when the yield is over? ANS:D

a)      Fixed asset
b)      Current asset
c)      Fictitious asset
d)      Wasting asset

7.   An accounting that deals with the accounting and reporting of information to management regarding the detail information is                        ANS:B
a)      Financial accounting
b)      Management accounting
c)      Cost accounting
d)      Real Accounting

8.      The primary objective of management accounting is                  ANS:B
a)      Prepare final a/c
b)      Provide management complete and true information
c)      Both (a) & (b)
d)      None of these

9.      Cost of goods sold= opening stock+ net purchases+ expenses on Purchases – sales Which part of formula is wrong?                                                     ANS:D
a)      opening stock
b)      net purchases
c)      expenses on Purchases d)sales
10.   Opening stock + …………………+ Direct Expenses (Carriage on Raw material)-Closing Stock = …………………                                                                  ANS:C
a)      Sales, Purchases
b)      Sales, Sales return
c)      Purchases, Cost of goods produced
d)      Purchases, Cost of goods sold

11.  The main object of cost accounting is:                                        ANS:C
a)        To record day to day transactions of the business
b)        To reveal managerial efficiency

c)       To ascertain true cost of products and services

d)        To determine tender price

12.  Cost accounting emerged mainly on account of:                        ANS:D
a)        Statutory requirements
b)       Competition in the market
c)        Labour unrest

d)      Limitations of financial accounting

13.  Advantages of cost accounting accrue :                                     ANS:D
a)        Only to workers
b)       Only to government
c)        Only to consumers

d)      To management, workers, consumers and government

14.  Cost accounting is applied to :                                                    ANS:D
a)        Public undertakings only
b)       Large business enterprise only
c)        Small business concerns only

d)      Manufacturing and service concern

15.  Marginal costing is concerned with:                                           ANS:B
a)        Fixed cost

b)      Variable cost

c)        Semi variable cost
d)       None of the above

16.----------------is a person or item for which cost may be ascertained. ANS:B
a)        Cost unit

b)      Cost center

c)        Cost object
d)       Cost estimation

17.  Salary paid to factory manager is an item of:                  ANS:B
a)        Prime cost

b)      Factory overhead

c)        Selling overhead
d)       Office overhead
18.    ………………cost refers to those cost which have already been incurred and cannot be altered by any decision in the future.                                    ANS:B
a)        Opportunity cost

b)      Sunk Cost

c)        Incremental cost
d)       Decremental cost

19.     Amortization of intangible Asset Such as Goodwill which has indefinite life is an example of accounting concept                                                          ANS:A

a)      Conservatism Concept

b)       Continuity Concept
c)        Realization Concept
d)       Measurement Concept

20.  If loan have been guaranteed by managers and directors is called as     ANS:C                       
a)        Loan
b)       Unsecured Loan

c)       Secured Loan

d)       Advance by Manager & director

21.cost will still be incurred although a plant is shut down temporarily.      ANS:C
a)        Cost of raw material
b)       Advertising

c)       Depreciation

d)       Carriage
22.  Preliminary expenses are recorded in………………..                            ANS:D
a)        Equity and liabilities-Liability side of B/S
b)       Current liabilities- Liability side of B/S
c)        Fixed assets- Asset side of B/S

d)      Asset side of B/S

23.  Variable cost per unit                                                                              ANS:B

a)        Remains fixed

b)      Fluctuates with volume of production

c)        Varies in consideration with the volume of sales
d)       None of the above

24.  Cash Purchases:                                                                                       ANS:C

a)        Increases assets
b)       Results in no change in the total assets

c)       Decreases assets

d)       Increases liability

25.  If closing stock appears in the trial balance, it should be                    ANS:A

a)      Credited to the trading account

b)       Credited to the profit and loss account
c)        Deducted from the purchases in the trading account
d)       Shown on the liability side of the Balance sheet
26.  Cost accounting aims at ascertain.......................... of product               ANS:A

a)      Cost

b)       Net profit
c)        Gross profit
d)       Selling price
27.The primary objective of cost accounting is                                             ANS:A

a)      Ascertain the cost of goods and services

b)       Ascertain the profit
c)        Presentation of all data
d)       None of these

28.Contingent liabilities should be recorded in the accounts when:             ANS:C

a)        It is probable that the future event will occur.
b)       The amount of the liability can be reasonably estimated.

c)       Both (a) and (b).

d)       Either (a) or (b).

29.Which of the following functions is managerial accounting intended to facilitate? ANS:D

a)        Planning
b)       Decision making
c)        Control

d)      All of these

30.Which of the following statements about differences between financial and managerial accounting is incorrect?                                                                      ANS:A

a)  Managerial accounting information is prepared primarily for external parties such as stockholders and creditors; financial accounting is directed at internal users.

b)  Financial accounting is aggregated; managerial accounting is focused on products and departments.
c)  Managerial accounting pertains to both past and future items; financial accounting focuses primarily on past transactions and events.
d)  Financial accounting is based on generally accepted accounting practices; managerial accounting faces no similar constraining factors.

31.Cost accounting information can be used for:                                         ANS:D

a.    Budget control and evaluation.
b.    Determining standard costs and variances.
c.    Pricing and inventory valuation decisions.

d.   All of these

32.Manufacturing costs are also known as product costs. Which of the following best describes those costs which are considered to be manufacturing costs?               ANS:C

a)        Direct materials, direct labor, and factory overhead.
b)       Direct materials and direct labor only.
c)        Direct materials, direct labor, factory overhead, and administrative overhead.
d)       Direct labor and factory overhead.

33.A company's telephone bill consisting of a Rs.200 monthly base amount, plus long distance charges, would be classified as a:                                                                       ANS:D

a.       Variable cost
b.      Committed fixed cost
c.       Direct cost

d.      Semi variable cost

34.The cost concept records the figures at                                                  ANS:B
a)        Market values

b)      Actual amount paid

c)        Actual amount or market values whichever is less.
d)       MRP maximum retail price
35.Retained earnings statement depicts:                                                     ANS:A
a)      Appropriation of profits
b)      Estimates of profits
c)      Estimates of costs
36.The term Management Accounting was first used in                                               ANS:C
    a) 1910
b)  1939
c)  1950
d)  1960
37. Management Accounting relates to                                                       ANS:C
a)      Recording of accounting data
b)      Recording of cost data
c)      Presentation of account data
d)      None of the above
38. The use of management accounting is                                                    ANS:B
a)        Compulsory

b)      Optional

c)        Obligation
d)       Statutory requirement
39.Content of income statement                                                                   ANS:D
a)              Trading account
b)             Profit and loss account
c)               Balance sheet

d)             All of the above

40.The word accounting can be classified in to:                                           ANS:C
a)      Financial accounting and management accounting
b)      Financial accounting and cost accounting
c)      Financial accounting, management accounting and cost accounting
d)      Cannot be classified
41.If a company has contingent liabilities, they appear in the ………….. ANS:A
a)      Balance Sheet
b)      Director’s Report
c)      Foot note down the balance sheet
d)     Chairman’s report

42.Depreciation is a                            .                                 ANS:B
a)    Cash operating expenditure

b)  Non cash operating expenditure

c)    Cash non-operating expenditure
d)    Non cash non-operating expenditure
43.   system records only actual cash receipts and payments                        ANS:A

a)  Cash basis

b)  Accrual basis
c)  Mercantile basis
d)  Single entry basis
44.All costs other than direct materials cost, direct labour cost and direct expenses are known as:
a)      Indirect material cost                                                               ANS:B
b)      Overhead
c)      Indirect labour cost
d)      Indirect expenses

45.A company's telephone bill consisting of a Rs.200 monthly base amount, plus long distance charges, would be classified as a:                                                           ANS:D

a.        Variable cost
b.        Committed fixed cost
c.        Direct cost

d.      Semi variable cost

46.Cost accounting information can be used for:                             ANS:D

a.  Budget control and evaluation.
b.  Determining standard costs and variances.
c.  Pricing and inventory valuation decisions.

d.  All of these

47.The work of factory employees that can be physically associated with converting raw material into finished goods is classified as-                                                                                        ANS:D
a)        Manufacturing overhead
b)       Indirect materials
c)        Indirect labour

d)      Direct labour

48.Which one of the following would not be classified as manufacturing overhead? ANS:B
a.       Indirect labour

b.      Direct materials

c.       Insurance on factory building
d.      Indirect materials

49.In manufacturing a product, prime costs are:                   ANS:D
a.       Raw materials and manufacturing overhead
b.      Indirect materials and manufacturing overhead
c.       Indirect labour and manufacturing overhead

d.      Direct materials and direct labour

50.A manufacturing process requires small amounts of glue. The glue used in the process is classified as                                   ANS:B
a.       A prime cost

b.      An indirect material

c.       A direct material
d.      Miscellaneous expense

51.Lubricants, used regularly in a production process, are classified as                   ANS:C
a)    Miscellaneous expense
b)    Direct materials

c)   Indirect materials

d)    Immaterial items

52.Because of automation, which component of product cost is declining?            ANS:A

a)  Direct labour

b)  Direct materials
c)  Manufacturing overhead
d)  Advertising

53.Aggregate of direct costs is known as:                                        ANS:D
a.       Direct material costs
b.      Direct Wages
c.       Direct Expenses

d.      Prime Cost

54.Aggregate of prime cost and Factory overhead is known as:                  ANS:B
a.       Work on cost

b.      Work Cost

c.       Cost of Production
d.      Direct Cost

55.Salary paid to factory manager is an item of :                              ANS:B
a.       Prime Cost

b.      Factory Overhead

c.       Selling overhead
d.      Office overhead

56.Aggregate of cost of goods sold and selling and distribution overheads is known as : ANS:A

a.      Total Cost

b.      Office Cost
c.       Cost of sales
d.      Selling overhead

57.Conversion cost includes cost of converting……….into……..              ANS:B
(a)    Raw material, WIP

(b)  Raw material, Finished goods

(c)    WIP, Finished goods
(d)    Finished goods, Saleable goods

58.Sunk costs are:                             ANS:B
(a)    relevant for decision making

(b)   Not relevant for decision making

(c)    cost to be incurred in future
(d)    future costs

59.Calculate the prime cost from the following information:        ANS:C
 Direct material purchased: Rs. 1,00,000
Direct material consumed: Rs. 90,000 Direct labour: Rs. 60,000
Direct expenses: Rs. 20,000 Manufacturing overheads: Rs. 30,000 (a) Rs. 1,80,000
(b) Rs. 2,00,000

(c) Rs. 1,70,000

(d) Rs. 2,10,000

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